Nios® V/II Embedded Design Suite (EDS)
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12620 Discussions

Linking nios_soft.elf fails:region onchip_memory is full

Honored Contributor II



In my design, I want the NIOS II code to be run from SDRAM 

and I want to use the onchip memory for data 


I created the design in SOPC, disconnected the onchip memory from the instruction master under nios II processor ..  


yet, whenever i build my project in NIOS II IDE i keep getting this message (i understand it is trying to load the program on onchip still and that it doesn't fit ) .. what is going wrong? 


how can i instruct the system to use sdram as nios instruction memory .. and onchip as data memory



--- Quote Start ---  

Linking nios_soft.elf... 

/cygdrive/d/altera/91/nios2eds/bin/nios2-gnutools/H-i686-pc-cygwin/bin/../lib/gcc/nios2-elf/3.4.6/../../../../nios2-elf/bin/ld: region onchip_memory is full (nios_soft.elf section .text). Region needs to be 56132 bytes larger. 

/cygdrive/d/altera/91/nios2eds/bin/nios2-gnutools/H-i686-pc-cygwin/bin/../lib/gcc/nios2-elf/3.4.6/../../../../nios2-elf/bin/ld: region onchip_memory is full (nios_soft.elf section .rodata). Region needs to be 1320 bytes larger. 

/cygdrive/d/altera/91/nios2eds/bin/nios2-gnutools/H-i686-pc-cygwin/bin/../lib/gcc/nios2-elf/3.4.6/../../../../nios2-elf/bin/ld: region onchip_memory is full (nios_soft.elf section .rwdata). Region needs to be 4724 bytes larger. 

/cygdrive/d/altera/91/nios2eds/bin/nios2-gnutools/H-i686-pc-cygwin/bin/../lib/gcc/nios2-elf/3.4.6/../../../../nios2-elf/bin/ld: region onchip_memory is full (nios_soft.elf section .bss). Region needs to be 864 bytes larger. 

/cygdrive/d/altera/91/nios2eds/bin/nios2-gnutools/H-i686-pc-cygwin/bin/../lib/gcc/nios2-elf/3.4.6/../../../../nios2-elf/bin/ld: section .rodata [04000000 -> 04000d27] overlaps section .text [04000000 -> 0400e343] 

/cygdrive/d/altera/91/nios2eds/bin/nios2-gnutools/H-i686-pc-cygwin/bin/../lib/gcc/nios2-elf/3.4.6/../../../../nios2-elf/bin/ld: section .rwdata [04000000 -> 04001a73] overlaps section .text [04000000 -> 0400e343] 

/cygdrive/d/altera/91/nios2eds/bin/nios2-gnutools/H-i686-pc-cygwin/bin/../lib/gcc/nios2-elf/3.4.6/../../../../nios2-elf/bin/ld: section .bss [04000000 -> 04000b5f] overlaps section .text [04000000 -> 0400e343] 

obj/SDCardDriver.o(.text+0x24c): In function `SD_card_init': 

../SDCardDriver.c:151: Unable to reach read_status (at 0x04000000) from the global pointer (at 0x040099c0) because the offset (-39360) is out of the allowed range, -32678 to 32767. 

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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II

Disconnecting it in SOPC Builder is not all you have to do. You'd also have to tell the IDE where you want those sections to reside (which memory). 




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