Nios® V/II Embedded Design Suite (EDS)
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12629 Discussions

Linux 2.6 for Nios II, Version 1.0

Honored Contributor II

Hello everyone, 


First of all thank you for your participation this far in the forums. It is great to see that so many people have registered and are kicking some messages around. 


Now that Nios II has been officially released, I am proud to announce that the Linux 2.6 kernel update has been posted for your dowloading pleasure free of charge. You will notice that a new forum area for downloads has magically appeared. Simply go to the Linux 2.6 forum and you can get the new Linux update. 


The posted version is 1.0. We will have an updated version with expanded functionality ready in about six weeks. For now, try it out and let us know what you think. The team at Microtronix has worked hard to bring you the latest technology to use with the new Nios II processor and we hope you like it. 


We have also opened up an area that people can use to upload their own designs and code. You can upload your file directly to the forum or link to your own website. 


One more thing - soon we will have a compact flash component and stand alone version of Lightweight IP. We hope to have that ready in the next few days. 


Have fun! 


Robert Brookes 

Manager, Sales and Marketing 

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3 Replies
Honored Contributor II



Does version 1.0 of the Nios II Linux kit support all versions of the NIOS II core (e, s and f)? 



Terry G.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II



Our distribution contains a time limited .sof for each of the Altera Dev Boards. The Quartus Project used to generate this .sof was heavily based on the "full featured" Project from Altera which uses the 'f' version. 


I'm sure Linux would run comfortably on the 's' version (and we've had it running on this version in-house); you would see a bit of performance decrease due to the loss of the data cache. 


I don't think we've been brave enough to try it on an 'e' version, although you've piqued my curiosity. I can't see why it wouldn't work but I think you would take quite a performance hit. 


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Honored Contributor II



Thanks for the reply. We're actually more interested in the f version so that should work out well. 



Terry G.
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