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Loading preloader image to QSPI Flash for Booting

Honored Contributor II



I would like to request support for another issue on loading the QSPI flash memory of the Cyclone V SoC. As provided in the an709 document guide, the command for loading the QSPI flash is: 

quartus_hps -c 1 -o PV -a 0x0 preloader-mkpimage.bin 



Execution of this command results in: 




info: running quartus ii 64-bit programmer 

info: version 14.1.0 build 186 12/03/2014 sj full version 

info: copyright (c) 1991-2014 altera corporation. all rights reserved. 

info: your use of altera corporation's design tools, logic functions  

info: and other software and tools, and its ampp partner logic  

info: functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing  

info: (including device programming or simulation files), and any  

info: associated documentation or information are expressly subject  

info: to the terms and conditions of the altera program license  

info: subscription agreement, the altera quartus ii license agreement, 

info: the altera megacore function license agreement, or other  

info: applicable license agreement, including, without limitation,  

info: that your use is for the sole purpose of programming logic  

info: devices manufactured by altera and sold by altera or its  

info: authorized distributors. please refer to the applicable  

info: agreement for further details. 

info: processing started: tue may 12 12:06:19 2015 

info: command: quartus_hps -c 1 -o pv -a 0x0 preloader-mkpimage.bin 

current hardware is: cv sockit [usb-1] 

found hps at device 2 

hps device idcode: 0x4ba00477 

ahb port is located at port 0 

apb port is located at port 1 

boot info: 3.0v qspi flash 

clock select: 0 

double aji delay - 1024 tcks 

start hps quad spi flash programming ... 

initialize qspi peripheral and flash controller ... 

read silicon id of quad spi flash ... 

error: fail to poll the qspi command execution status 

error: fail to read silicon id 

error: quartus ii 64-bit programmer was unsuccessful. 0 errors, 0 warnings 

error: peak virtual memory: 115 megabytes 

error: processing ended: tue may 12 12:06:20 2015 

error: elapsed time: 00:00:01 

error: total cpu time (on all processors): 00:00:00 



I have enabled the QSPI flash controller in the HPS peripheral list. I built the preloader by selecting BOOT_FROM_QSPI option in the bsp-editor and further issuing "make" command in the spl_bsp directory.  


Please advise on this issue. Thanks in advance. 



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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Not sure if this helps, Below is a section of output when I program which might give you a clue to the cause. 


Info: Processing started: Mon Sep 01 15:59:39 2014 

Info: Command: quartus_hps -c 1 -o P preloader-mkpimage.bin 

Current hardware is: Helio [USB-1] 

Found HPS at device 1 

HPS Device IDCODE: 0x4BA00477 

AHB Port is located at port 0 

APB Port is located at port 1 

Boot Info: 3.0V QSPI Flash 

Start HPS Quad SPI flash programming ... 

Initialize QSPI peripheral and flash controller ... 

Read Silicon ID of Quad SPI flash ... 

Quad SPI Flash silicon ID is 0x1020BA20 

Flash device matched 

Manufacturer: Micron 

Device: QSPI_512 

Enable Four Byte Addressing ... 

Sector Erase Quad SPI flash ... 

Sector Erase Info: Start Addr at 0x00000000 for 4 sector(s) 

Sector Erase Quad SPI flash at 0x00000000 

Sector Erase Quad SPI flash at 0x00010000 

Sector Erase Quad SPI flash at 0x00020000 

Sector Erase Quad SPI flash at 0x00030000 

Program Quad SPI flash ... 

Info: Quartus II 64-Bit Programmer was successful. 0 errors, 0 warnings 

Info: Peak virtual memory: 126 megabytes 

Info: Processing ended: Mon Sep 01 16:00:17 2014 

Info: Elapsed time: 00:00:38 

Info: Total CPU time (on all processors): 00:00:05
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Honored Contributor II

sound like Quad spi access also failed. 


may want to have a try on the general version from
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