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Multiple DMA problems

Honored Contributor II

Dear all, 


Currently I'm using three DMAs in my SOPC system to handle three different data transfers from three different FIFOs to a DDR3 memory. I have verified each FIFO and DMA data transfer and all of them work well.  


The problem occurs when I put all FIFOs and DMAs in one SOPC system design. :( I ran the DMA data transfer in sequence (not parallel). Somehow my Nios software hung / stopped. The Nios software might stop in different location, but mostly it stopped when it tried to open the DMA ('alt_dma_rxchan_open' function) or when it checked the DMA data transfer volatile indicator variable. :confused: 


Does anyone can help me to figure out what the exact problem is ?  


Thanks ... looking forward any replies from you guys! :)
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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II

Hello, i need to use a DMA to transfer from a FIFO to a DDR2. Do you have any reference design? Thanks!

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