Nios® V/II Embedded Design Suite (EDS)
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No Nios II target connection paths were located.

Honored Contributor II

I am trying to execute a hello world program using cyclone 2 fpga. In run configurations, after clicking on refresh connections, an error "No Nios II target connection paths were located. Check connections and that a Nios II .sof is downloaded." appears. 

I have successfully downloaded .sof file onto the fpga but right after that when i click on refresh connections, no connections are shown. 


Kindly help!
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9 Replies
Honored Contributor II


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I am trying to execute a hello world program using cyclone 2 fpga. In run configurations, after clicking on refresh connections, an error "No Nios II target connection paths were located. Check connections and that a Nios II .sof is downloaded." appears. 

I have successfully downloaded .sof file onto the fpga but right after that when i click on refresh connections, no connections are shown. 


Kindly help! 

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I could solve that issue... i had to set the unused pins in quartus to "input tri state". 

but now, after building the project in nios 2 eclipse, when I run as nios 2 hardware, I get an error saying "downloading ELF process failed" 

I dont know what to do. please reply if anyone has solved this issue. 

I repeat again, that i am trying to execute the "hello world" program. The timestamp and system id are matched. 

thanks in advance.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

how did you make .sof file? 


is that your original design? 

or sample of development-kit?
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


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how did you make .sof file? 


is that your original design? 

or sample of development-kit? 

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Thank you so much for replying! I generated the .sof file through Quartus 10.1. 

Yes, this is my original design. 

In the console I find "no print directory" and after running the program I get the error "failed to download .elf file". The reason it gives for the failure is " exception occured during launch" 

I have no idea why this is happening...
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Honored Contributor II

I can not tell exactly what is wrong. 

but, I think your design is not correct. 


have you done this before in another design? 


if you haven't. 


you should refer sample design of development kit. 


you need ram to run the nios2-software. 

you need reset the cpu.( do you know if reset port is not connected, CPU is always reset). 

you need to tell cpu which ram is exception vector. 


and so on. 


I am not sure how much do you know about those. 

but, I think you missed at least one of those things. 


how do you think?
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Hey! I have generated a reset pin in the sopc builder 'reset_n' and I have connected it to +vcc in the block diagram schematic, as it is active low signal. So, I think the cpu is not reset always. This is my first design, so I'm just trying to execute the "hello world" program template. 

I have included on chip RAM, the message in the console shows 1056 bytes free for stack + heap. 

what exactly does it mean if the error message says "exception occured during launch?"
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Hey, Thank you for your advice... 

I resolved the issue. There was less amount of memory. Enable small device drivers and enable small c library in bsp editor and it worked well!
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II



I am happy that you solved your error. 

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


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I am happy that you solved your error. 


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Thank you!! 

Will come up with more queries... You gotta help me then.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Hii der!! 

I'm trying to execute the memory test template. I select the option to test flash.  

I have checked in the system.h file that the name of the flash is /dev/ext_flash. But when I type in the same name in the nios console, it shows an error 

saying : could not open "/dev/ext_flash" 


any idea how to eliminate this?
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