Nios® V/II Embedded Design Suite (EDS)
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Not able to factory restore my board

Honored Contributor II

Hello There, 


I am not able to restore factory setting on my board , i am following the instruction given in nios dev. board ref. manual , i am not able to restore my board on factory setting. 


the steps i am following. 

1. Open the Nios ESDK Shell 

2. Chnage the directory to c:/altera/quartus50/example/factory_recovery/nios_cyclone_1c20 


3. type the command "./restore_my_flash" 


please see that attached output of my shell. 

and help me out how do i overcome from this issue 


i have also attached my Environment Variable Setting also for your reference 


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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II

Quartus 5.0 ! It is a April 1st joke ;-) ? 



Hi, it seems your Quartus installation has been corrupted. 

You have Quartus 5.0 and Quartus 9.1SP2. 


You "SOPC_BUILDER...." environment may be corrupted : the "+" is suspicious, the paths should be separated by a ";" 


Try to redownload the Factory Flash through Nios II IDE.
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