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Poor performance with LWIP and uCOSII on NIOSII

Honored Contributor II

Hi there, 


I'm using a niosii system using data (2kb) and instruction cache (4kb) and running ucosii and lwip, and based on an ip gbethernet mac core


With a very simple (and stupid ...) application, I benchmark the overall performance of this system with a UDP streaming. 


The first results concern me a lot: 


globally the low level (Interrupt handler, home made driver and VHDL IP core) runs quite well : 

interrupt latency => 7usec 

delay in the interrupt delay in (Transmission mode) => 6usec  

DMA transfert => 10,6usec (for 1024 bytes) 


however, even with a simple loop at the application level to send a given number of udp packets (no superfluous job), the first results give me a maximum throughput about 5-6 mbits/sec which is very low.  


Does someone have any figure to confirm or to invalidate my results with an equivalent system ? 


Thanks in advance. 


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3 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Your figures are in line with what I would expect, what's your target? 


If you look at the topic "lwip MicroC/OS-II throughput" in the MicroC/OS-II Forum you will see that 17MBits/s UDP Rx and 35MBits/s UDP Tx have been achieved.
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Honored Contributor II

What do you mean by target ? I'm using a Stratix 2S60 on altera evaluation board. 


Do you have an idea about the system configuration used to achieve 17Mbits Rx and 35Mbits tx ? 


Was it on the altera evaluation board using a standard design ? 


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Honored Contributor II

Sorry I meant what's your target performance? 


As for the information on the system, all I know is what's in the posting I referred you to.
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