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Preparing SD card for debugging...

Honored Contributor II



I'm rather new to Altera even if I'm long in the tooth re embedded system. 


I've got the Arria 10 SoC dev kit.  


I'm working with code-time LWIP demo 10.  


I have successfully prepared a SD card with the precompiled image and  

it boots and works. 


I've also managed to compile the demo code and success fully run 

it from within Eclipse DS5 via the built in USB-blaster. 


However to be able to use the debugger / start the code from within 

Eclipse it seems that I need to start the SoC kit without the SD card  

in place but I need to insert it before I connect to the kit via the USB blaster.  


This cannot be the way it is meant to be? 


I've tried to empty the SD card so the SoC would not boot into the 

code because it looks like if it boots then the debugger cannot  

attach to it. But with an empty card I cannot load my code, instead 

I get a memory error. 


So how should I prepare my SD card so that it won't boot any 

code that interferes with the debugger connection but allows me 

to attach the debugger and load code to memory? 


Is this explained somewhere? 


I've read through, among other things, Arria 10 SoC Boot User Guide: 


but the penny has not yet dropped. 


The only hint I've been able to find is a single sentence in a getting 

started guide that if OS is booted it may interfere with the debugging 

but no mention of how to prevent the OS from booting or anything else. 


wbr Kusti
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