Nios® V/II Embedded Design Suite (EDS)
Support for Embedded Development Tools, Processors (SoCs and Nios® V/II processor), Embedded Development Suites (EDSs), Boot and Configuration, Operating Systems, C and C++

Problem with NIOS ver 2.11

Honored Contributor II

I am using NIOS Development board Kit (device family- APEX 20KE).I started the way it was mentioned in the Nios Tutorial(pdf) document using QuartusII version 2.1.After taking Nios CPU and all the pheripherals mentioned in the tutorial, I generated the respective files using SOPC Builder ver 2.6.(Skipping the synthesis and simulation using Leanardo Spectrum and Model Sim step in SOPC Builder). 


Going the way it was mentioned in the tutorial i set the device and other settings(created .bdf file,Compiler Settings and Pin Assignment using TCL script).After completing all the settings when i am compiling ,i am getting only 3 LE's and zero memory bits as a result . I am enable to figure out the problem. I even tried with less pheripherals but i am getting same results. 


In one case when i am checking the option as "Not Registered"(instead “Registered”asmentioned in tutorial) when selecting Avalon Tri-state Bus i am getting some more LE's but it is not taking LE's for other pheripheral's(Uart,LED Pio,Timer) and taking zero memory bits. 


Could you suggest what is the problem ? Is it that i am skipping some settings or its the problem with SOPC Builder version i am using. 



Hardwares and Softwares used >> 


1.NIOS Development Board Kit(device family- APEX 20KE;device-  


2. QuartusII ver 2.1.(Licensed version) 

3 NIOS Embedded Processor 2.11(For Windows). 

4. ByteBlasterMV. 

5. Y serial cable. 


Operating System and System Properties >> 


1. OS - Windows XP Professional 

2. System Properties - a)Intel Pentium III processor 

b)512 MB RAM, 797 MHz 






Sankalp Singhal
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