Nios® V/II Embedded Design Suite (EDS)
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Problems with creating a Nios II Application and BSP from Template in Eclipse

Honored Contributor II

OK, I know I'm bleeding edge here (or maybe not so much). 


I'm relatively new with using the Nios II Design Suite, though I've used Quartus with several other Altera boards. I probably did one project with Eclipse and the DE2 board back in Quartus II 7.x days. 


I've upgraded my system to Windows 7. Got Quartus II 9.1, Nios II Embedded Design Suite 9.1 and Modelsim. Installed everything then had problems with using the Parallel Port BitBlaster. I now know this is a driver issue, so I'm going to work around that (use a USB BitBlaster). During this time I've worked on the Quartus side of the software (e.g. repair, modify, etc) only. 


However, it did "work once" but now "not any more" deal. When I create a new project in Nios II Design Suite, I don't get the "nios ii application and bsp from template" option. It looks like the plain Eclipse deal. I did work once before (I have files to prove it) but now I don't get the option. 


I've repaired, then removed/reinstalled Nios II EDS. 


Anybody got any clues? 

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12 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Hi katchins. 


Unfortunately, I do not have an answer to your problem. In fact, I'm facing the same issue than you are, which is that after installing Quartus II 9.1, I can't get the "Nios II Application and BSP from Template" option when creating a Project with Eclipse. I'll add that I work with Windows XP, which probably means that the issue may not be platform related. Removing, re-installing, repairing both Quartus and Nios II EDS didn't resolve anything. 


I'd really appreciate any hint or idea on how to get that menu back. 



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Honored Contributor II

Wow. Lightning does strike twice. And I thought I was the lucky one :D  


Glad to know re-install of Quartus didn't work either. I was dreading that one. 


Anybody else have any clues????
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Honored Contributor II

Seems to have a corrupt Eclipse environment. 

Try to uninstall NIOS EDS only and manually delete remaining NIOS folder before reinstall NIOS EDS.
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Honored Contributor II

OK. I'l try it and get back with the forum/board on the results.

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Honored Contributor II

After uninstalling Nios II EDS, I indeed found some Eclipse files and folders remaining. I manually deleted them, then installed back Nios II EDS and I finally got the "nios ii application and bsp from template" back :). That probably was a problem of corrupted Eclipse. 


Thanks Pantxoa for your answer, and good luck Katchins ! ;)
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Honored Contributor II

Also double check that your perspective is set to "NIOS II" since I believe the default is C/C++.

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Honored Contributor II

wow, if only i had checked the forums earlier. ive had the same problem for 3months!! I found a way to work around it. apparently if you guys see under the nios folder, there is another subfolder called legacy nios or something, thats the IDE used in the old nios version.  


ive been using that for quite a while now ever since my eclipse decided to dissociate itself from nios 


thanks a lot!
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


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After uninstalling Nios II EDS, I indeed found some Eclipse files and folders remaining. I manually deleted them, then installed back Nios II EDS and I finally got the "nios ii application and bsp from template" back :). That probably was a problem of corrupted Eclipse. 


Thanks Pantxoa for your answer, and good luck Katchins ! ;) 

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Thanks to Pantxoa - it does work!
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Thank you tthegarade and katchins. 


It worked :D Damn eclipse... Why did altera give up on IDE ? :P
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


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Thanks to Pantxoa - it does work! 

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My thanks to you as well! I was having exactly this problem and had uninstalled and reinstalled EVERYTHING only to find it failed in the same way. This time after uninstalling NiosII EDS 9.1 I found and deleted all those extraneous Nios II EDS files. Now after installing Nios II EDS 9.1 again the SBT for Eclipse works correctly for the first time ever. 


Now I can get my project started!
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Honored Contributor II

Happy to see that the solution still helps ! :-) 

For information, it has now been added in the official NIOS EDS Errata sheet since May. 

See "Nios II Options Do Not Appear in Eclipse " at : 

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Honored Contributor II

Yes : 

If you don't see a NiosII menu item on Eclipse, 

or File => Run -> Nios II C/C++ Application and BSP from Template 

Un-install all Altera packages, delete all Altera files, reboot, re-install NiosII with Eclipse. 

Then one should have the NiosII menu items, including "Nios II C/C++ Application and BSP from Template". 

Run Eclipse in XP sp2 compatability mode. I have administrator privileges. Say yes if get a run confirm window.  

Then run "Nios II C/C++ Application and BSP from Template". 

Should now run through OK.  

Build Application (right click). 

Use NiosII => Quartus II Programmer menu item to connect to hardware, upload .sof file. 

Run application as NioII Hardware, making sure you refresh the USB connection if needed (on extreme right of window if pops up). 

Should now all run. 

Best of luck.
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