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TSE_MAC and memory

Honored Contributor II

Hi Guys, 


I've been building on examples and built a functioning ethernet. I can use the Nios for TCP TX/RX and i have interfaced some HDL for direct UDP TX. 


I'm currently developing on a DE2-115 and i'm merging this and the D5M camera example. I'll be building my own board soon. 

Problem is both use the SDRAM in their isolation and i need to merge. 


de2-115 has  

- sdram 2x64mb(16bit wide) used together as 32bit wide. 

- sram - 2mb 


1. how can i determine how much memory the tse_mac needs? 

2. does the niche stack use the sram? 


regarding point 1: the example i took just used the full 128mb and the BSP says it uses it all, but i imagine that more means it allocates it all. 



point 2: I've tried to remove the SRAM in the past but my ethernet initialisation gets stuck after 


INFO : TSE MAC 0 found at address 0x0c042000 INFO : PHY Marvell 88E1111 found at PHY address 0x10 of MAC Group INFO : PHY - Automatically mapped to tse_mac_device INFO : PHY - Restart Auto-Negotiation, checking PHY link... INFO : PHY - Auto-Negotiation PASSED 


According to the BSP linker, nothing seems to link it.  

I've left the pin assignments, but i've removed it from the Qsys and commented it out of the module instantiation. 


I've checked what i can timer wise. I also remember the first time i tried to do this, i did a signal tap on the sram and didn't pick up any enabling of it, or changes in data. But i may have missed something there.  


Thanks in Advance for any comments and help.
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28 Replies
Honored Contributor II

No, the stack use memory allocation, not the particular device. Remove SRAM in SOPC, choose proper vectors for Nios, regenerate base addresses and regenerate the system. Also check if Your timers are correct.

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Honored Contributor II



I'am interested about this thread. 


Socrates, can you develop your explication about vector in sopc and adresses. 

I tried but it don't work. 


Do you use only one onchip memory or two (one for the software execution and the other for sgdma)?  


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Honored Contributor II

The only on-chip memory component is used only for SGDMA descriptors, everything else is placed in SDRAM. 


You can edit linker script for addresses, bet I would offer to use default values for starters.
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Honored Contributor II

Yes but what can I do if I want removing SDRAM ? 

I need to add an other onchip memory. 


What about adresses, reset exception, vector exeption and linker @ in SBT ?
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Honored Contributor II

Then add on-chip memory instead of SDRAM, but it has to be big enough, to fit all the Nios software. If You'll use TCP/IP stack and/or RTOS, I doubt You'll get Your work done.

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Honored Contributor II

My software is around 380 kbytes. I've got an on-chip memory set to 512 Kbytes. 

But my code blok at : 


/* Wait for the descriptor (chain) to complete */ 

while ( (IORD_ALTERA_AVALON_SGDMA_STATUS(dev->base) & 



I don't know why ?  


But works with ssram.
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Honored Contributor II

I am not sure if the software size also includes memory allocation stuff. If not, You're short of memory and SGDMA never gets write correctly. On the other hand, check if malloc() allocated memory successfully.

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Honored Contributor II

Thanks to all for your thoughts. 


What exactly are you referring to when saying  


--- Quote Start ---  

Also check if Your timers are correct. 

--- Quote End ---  


Are you referring to in the BSP Settings for sy_timer etc? Setting them to JTAG?
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Honored Contributor II

the system requires a particular timer. Afaik they use sys_clk_timer or something. Check the reference design.

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Honored Contributor II

note: the timer problem was actually the dhcp problem from my stupid moment when i enabled the "set_1000". It actually gets stuck after the autonegotiation. 



- I have a working ethernet design with its hardware based on the de2-115 webserver example and the software based on the sss example

- When i remove the SRAM, it gets stuck in the Nios initialisation of the ethernet design. 



point 2: I've tried to remove the SRAM but my ethernet initialisation gets stuck after 


INFO : TSE MAC 0 found at address 0x0c042000 INFO : PHY Marvell 88E1111 found at PHY address 0x10 of MAC Group INFO : PHY - Automatically mapped to tse_mac_device INFO : PHY - Restart Auto-Negotiation, checking PHY link... INFO : PHY - Auto-Negotiation PASSED 




The way i've removed it is: 

1. I've left the pin assignments as is in the Quartus pin planner. 

2. I deleted the Terasic SRAM module from the qsys. It doesn't appear to connect anywhere special. 

3. I've checked through all the module settings (nios, tse etc) in Qsys and can't find anything that refers to the SRAM. 

4. I've commented it out of the module instantiation as to align with the Qsys change. 


According to the BSP linker, nothing seems to link it. 


I've checked what i can timer wise. I also remember the first time i tried to do this, i did a signal tap on the sram and didn't pick up any enabling of it, or changes in data. But i may have missed something there.  


Any ideas, because i'm out of them?
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Honored Contributor II

Post the QSYS window screenshot. 

Post the linker script configuration window screenshot. 

Where do You place the Nios startup vectors? 

What's the clock frequency of Nios system? 

Did You try to disable DHCP?
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

post the qsys window screenshot. 

Attached is a zip containing the 4 images. (needed to zip because you can only upload 5 files per post) 


post the linker script configuration window screenshot. 

See attached BSP - Linkerscript 


where do you place the nios startup vectors? 

See attached Nios Start Up vectors 


what's the clock frequency of nios system? 

The Nios is running at 100Mhz and the TSE_MAC is at 50Mhz. All with applicable clock crossing bridges and FIFOS. 


did you try to disable dhcp? 

No yet, i will do so tonight. At work and i left my board at home. 


Again i really appreciate you effort to help and hope i can repay some time.
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Honored Contributor II

The problem is multi-clock design and bad constrains. I am pretty sure, that running JTAG-UART on 100MHz is too fast. I've failed running JTAG UART using such speed. Connect peripherals like jtag_uart, sysid, timer, etc through pipeline bridge. Also avoid multi-clock design as much as possible or try to check the data flow carefully.  


E.g. I am running the whole system 85MHz, which runs without pipeline bridge, but I had problems running 100MHz Nios system, where issues where almost the same as Yours. JTAG printed only some of the lines and stopped.
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Honored Contributor II

That is sound advice thanks. 

But it works until i remove the SRAM, which is what i find puzzling.
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Honored Contributor II

Well yes, but still, I've found many problems trying to build very fast, multi-clock Nios system. It requires to be strictly time constrained, without any errors/warnings.

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Honored Contributor II

Turning off the DHCP worked. Why would this be so?

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Honored Contributor II

Could be DHCP server or InterNiche problems. Who is DHCP provider? Windows server or other machine?

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Honored Contributor II

The router they are plugged into. It'll be interniche somehow.

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Honored Contributor II

I've heard some issues when InterNiche stack did not manage to understand DHCP messages sent by Windows Server. 


You can try LwIP then. I've successfully managed to run the newest version of LwIP on TSE MAC.
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Honored Contributor II

I disabled DHCP and all started correctly, but i couldn't successfully telnet to it. So i'm a little concerned there. Perhaps i just need to step through and ensure i didn't disable something i shouldn't have. 


This is concerning, time is a factor for me, i may not be able to switch stacks. I'm putting this on the back burner atm so i can sort hardware. I'm giving my self a week to have some schematics done. 


I'm actually trying to quickly design my own board (using BGA mounted). Instead of my marvell on my DE2, i need to use a SMSC lan 91c111. So hopefully its not too hard to get the HDL code for that particular chip. 


Hey to avoid the earlier problem perhaps the new chip will be better off
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