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The expected CPU name does not match the selected target CPU name

Honored Contributor II

I'm using altera quartus II subscription edition and when I connect to nios cpu through target connections it doesn't show the correct cpu name. Instead it automatically gets some other cpu name and its not correct. In my sopc builder the name is ''cpu_0", but in nios ii it always gets it as "nios 2". Thanks for any help you can provide.

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3 Replies
Honored Contributor II

same for me 

I have a System in in QuartusII with two CPUs named 'cpu_0' and 'cpu_1' and two JTAG Uart components named 'jtag_uart_0' and 'jtag_uart_1' 

In my BSP's system.h, the CPU and JTAG devices are named correctly ('cpu_0' and 'jtag_uart_0') 


In my NiosII Application Project in the Nios2SBT, under "Debug Configurations/Target Connection" in the Processors view, I have two processors named 'nios2_1' and 'nios2_0' and two byte stream devices named 'jtaguart_0' and 'jtaguart_1' (assuming that I have programmed my hardware design beforehand, of course) 

don't have a fix for this problem yet 


any ideas where this mismatch does come from?
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Honored Contributor II

My guess is that in the Nios2SBT your BSP isn't using the correct .sopcinfo file. IIRC you can't change it so it may be easier to delete your BSP and recreate a new one.

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Honored Contributor II

Have the same problem - does not matter, how do I name the JTAG UART in my system, the byte stream device is named "jtaguart_0". Only way to get it working is to name the JTAG UART in this way (jtaguart_0) from the very beginning... 


Any thoughts how to solve this issue ? Quartus/Qsys v13.1, web edition
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