Hi! I have the next problem:
When I want to "Run as NIOS II Hardware" example project (Nios II Hardware Development Tutorial) in Console I see: "here are no JTAG cables available on your system which match --cable option you provided (USB-Blaster on localhost [USB-0])" it happens on 63% and then appears the window with the text: " 'Launthing count NIOS II Hardware configuration' has encountered a problem. Downloading ELF Process failed" Anybody can help me? P.S. Forgive me my English...))連結已複製
2 回應
what is your OS? 32 or 64 bits? Did you install well the diver of USB Blaster? Try this: http://www.altera.com/support/kdb/solutions/rd03062012_414.html Regards32 bits. When I connect USB-blaster to my PC, driver installed automatically. In Quartus II Programmer I can program the device and it works correctly, but in NIOS-II for Eclipse this error happens.