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UClinux PPS driver

Honored Contributor II

Hi everyone, 


Have anyone used the PPS driver on the uClinux? I would like to know what I need in term of the HDL design or a megafunction I can purchase so I can interface with this driver? Thanks in advance if anyone can share your experience using this driver on the uClinux. 


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Honored Contributor II

I still have no luck on the PPS client driver on my uClinux running on the NIOS2. Can anyone kindly point me to the right direction, since I am using a device tree and believe this doesn't support device tree, right? What do I need to add/modify so I can use a input GPIO as a source? I saw a google post to add this code to (?? an unknown) and then you need to call pps_init in the configuration routine (?? not sure what it mean) 



/* PPS-GPIO platform data */ 

static struct pps_gpio_platform_data pps_gpio_info = { 

.assert_falling_edge = false, 

.capture_clear= false, 





static struct platform_device pps_gpio_device = { 

.name = "pps-gpio", 

.id = -1, 

.dev = { 

.platform_data = &pps_gpio_info 




static void pps_init(int evm_id, int profile) 

int err; 


err = platform_device_register(&pps_gpio_device); 

if (err) { 

pr_warning("Could not register PPS_GPIO device"); 


Thanks in advance for any help
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