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Ubuntu 14.04 Nios Build '_IFCHR' undeclared

Honored Contributor II

Hi All: 


Trying to build a new nios project on my Ubuntu system (14.04 64-bit) (Yes I know it's not an officially supported system). 


What I'm seeing is when I attempt compile any program, it appears the tools are pulling from the system header files which are not compatible with the software. 


specifically alt_fstat.c pulls /sys/stat.h which is getting pulled from /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/stat.h 

(There are others but this is the first) 


I think it's suppose to pull from one in the <installation directory>/nios2eds/bin/gnu area (there are 4 for quartus 15.0) 


Looking at the BSP Properties, it's pulling the includes by default from: 





and although I can add new once, I am unable to change any of these defaults.  


Anyone else seeing this? I know lots of you are running quartus on 14.04 but I haven't seen this error message. I know two of us here are seeing the same errors.  




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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

Hi All: 


Looking at the BSP Properties, it's pulling the includes by default from: 






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Ok. I found the issue: 


The issue was an environment variable CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH that set as part of our module setup. 


When that variable is not set, everything works. 


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