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12619 Discussions

Upgrading Nios Software - external flash

Honored Contributor II

Dear all, 


I would like to upgrade my NIOS code by RS232. The NIOS runs from external memory.  


This is my procedure: 


- I transfer the .elf file to the .flash file by the instruction elf2bin. (bin file for dowloading to the flash) 


- I have a RS232 GUI from which I can send the bin file to the flash. 


I have written a procedure which is stored in FPGA internal memory. This procedure receives the bin file from the UART and writes the data to flash. 

(byte by byte) 


Now, what is the problem: my problem is that my NIOS stops working from the moment I erase the flash sector in which the original NIOS code is stored. Nevertheless, the procedure that erases this sector is placed internal. And I keep running my code from internal memory untill the new nios bin file is stored in the flash. 


The nios core is placed from 0x00000.  


When I declare an instruction to be placed in internal memory. 


ex following function is placed in internal memory 


void test (void) 




Will the instruction always be in internal memory or will it be placed in internal memory from the moment this instruction is called? 


Has someone an idea what the problem is? Has someone experience with how to upgrade a NIOS that is running from external memory. 


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28 Replies
Honored Contributor II

code for erasing flash sector 



void EraseFlashSector(unsigned int offset) 

unsigned char i = 0; 


volatile char * CommandSeq1 = (char*)(FLASHCTRL_BASE + 0xaaa); 

*CommandSeq1 = 0xaa; 

volatile char * CommandSeq2 = (char*)(FLASHCTRL_BASE + 0x555); 

*CommandSeq2 = 0x55; 

volatile char * CommandSeq3 = (char*)(FLASHCTRL_BASE + 0xaaa); 

*CommandSeq3 = 0x80; 

volatile char * CommandSeq4 = (char*)(FLASHCTRL_BASE + 0xaaa); 

*CommandSeq4 = 0xaa; 

volatile char * CommandSeq5 = (char*)(FLASHCTRL_BASE + 0x555); 

*CommandSeq5 = 0x55; 

volatile char * CommandSeq6 = (char*)(FLASHCTRL_BASE + offset); 

*CommandSeq6 = 0x30; 


// wait for erase completion 


while(*CommandSeq6 != 0xffffffff){} 

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Hi Karel, 


Thanks for posting the code. 


Again, Does the nios hang _after_ EraseFlashSector returns, or within EraseFlashSector? 


Also ... <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div> 

--- Quote Start ---  

for(FlashAd = 0x0000000; FlashAd < 0x0140000; FlashAd += 0x0020000) 



/* here my program fails. I erase the flash sector 0 (sector from which the nios is running from). The instruction "EraseFlashSector" is also placed in internal memory*/[/b] 

--- Quote End ---  


What do you mean by "PROGRAM FAILS"? Doesn&#39;t return? ... locks up? ... jumps to 

a bogus address? Have you looked at this with nios2-console? 



0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Where the program fails is difficult to define. I have written a routine that 

turns on some debug LEDs on my board. (this routine is also placed in internal memory) 


I can see that the LED instruction isn&#39;t executed after the sector erase.  


The question is: Is the routine always in internal memory or is it placed from external flash to internal memory after the function call. 





0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Hi Karel, 


> The question is: Is the routine always in internal memory or is it placed from 

> external flash to internal memory after the function call. 


In an earlier post you said you invoke ALT_LOAD_SECTION_BY_NAME(OnChipMem), 

which copies everything in the ".OnChipMem" section from its LMA to its VMA. So, 

your code should be where it needs to be. However, you should also call: 





after loading the section. Otherwise, it&#39;s possible that some of code you intended to execute is still sitting in the dcache ... or some old code is still in the icache. Either 

way, you&#39;ll execute bogus instructions. 



0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Hey Scott, 


I indeed use the instructions ALT_LOAD_SECTION_BY_NAME. 

So, I&#39;m sure that my instruction is in internal memory.  


My first idea that the instruction is placed in internal memory after the  

function call by the main program is indeed not correct. 


Scott, you advise me to use also following instructions: 





That&#39;s now for me. So, thanks Scott. I will try this. I will look up info about 

these functions and I hope that gives the solution.  


By the way, I have also posted my question to the Altera Support side. I&#39;m still 

waiting for a reaction of them. It seems to be a difficult problem :-) 


When I have found the solution, I will post it here.  


0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

> By the way, I have also posted my question to the Altera Support side. I&#39;m 

> still waiting for a reaction of them. 


Call me crazy, but I would expect they&#39;ll need more information than you 

provided us here. /o 


> It seems to be a difficult problem 


You might find it less challenging if you use something more advanced than twiddling 

LEDs ... a debugger, perhaps. Regardless, I&#39;ll go out on a limb here (since there&#39;s not 

much to go on) and guess your EraseFlashSector code is broken -- and you&#39;re 

looping forever at: 


while(*CommandSeq6 != 0xffffffff){} 


Anyway, good luck! 

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II



I have off course also used the debugger. I saw that after the sector erase 

the code goes on. So, the instruction after the sector erase is called. 

(also all the other following instructions) The only thing I can learn from 

the debugger is that they have no effect. That why I make use of LEDs, to see that the instructions have any result 




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Honored Contributor II

Maybe you already tried this, but did you checked if there is any exception running because of some unimplemented instruction? ... in that case you&#39;ll jump in flash also if interrupts are disabled... 


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