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What is the program entry address

Honored Contributor II

At last, I success to install eCos, compile programs. 

(Thank to bigboss25 in ( why this post isn't pinned?) 

Now, following "eCos for Nios II" document, I am trying to work with redboot. 


I successes to compile redboot (Thanks to graham615 in ( When this will fixed?) 

Program it in the flash and talking to redboot over nios2_terminal. 


Now i tried to upload eCos tutorial program (hello), has compiled according to the first part in the manual. 

No reference in the document to this mission (Why?). 

After reading "eCos User Guide", and searching in the internet, i guess this should be like: 

load -v -r -b %{FREEMEMLO} hello 

(Or maybe without "-r" ?) 

Using tftp PUT command from windows CMDShell not succeed so I downloaded free SolarWinds TFTP Server. 

Now i can upload the file, but whenever i try to run it (go command?) the redboot is crashing and restart. 


I guess the entry point i passed to go command (or load command address?) in not good. 

Anyone can help me, and write the missing details?
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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Hi ! 

Refer to (

If program(hello) is ELF file format.  

No need to use "-v -r -b" options. ELF file has infomations about entry point .... 

So, only "load hello" and "go" while network environment is OK.
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Honored Contributor II


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originally posted by kohjy@Nov 2 2006, 02:39 PM 

hi ! 

refer to (

if program(hello) is elf file format.     

no need to use "-v -r -b" options. elf file has infomations about entry point .... 

so, only "load hello" and "go" while network environment is ok. 

<div align='right'><{post_snapback}> (index.php?act=findpost&pid=19100) 

--- quote end ---  


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I tried this but redboot restart immediatly. 

RedBoot> load hello Using default protocol (TFTP) <Bad format string: 1021B9C : 13 E000 1021DE0 1FFFB44 2 1022570 1021BEC 1> ... waiting for BOOTP information 



The program run well as stand alone
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