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12682 Discussions

de0-nano-soc / 2.8" TFT Arduino/ X or Console ...

Honored Contributor II

as per 

i picked up a LCD described in the above article (


placed the drivers in the kernel but 

-- i'm obviously missing some piece of the puzzle  

I've tried various configurations - 

- so i thought i'd toss it out to the general population ...  


has anyone got it working ??  

Would you expect this to use a HPS spi ? or fpga ?
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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II


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Would you expect this to use a HPS spi ? or fpga ? 

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to follow up a bit // dissembling the dtb shows it must be a fpga spi -- 

but major pieces of the "instructions" are missing -- pin routing etc .... 



spi@fff00000 ( { 

compatible = "snps,dw-spi-mmio"; 

# address-cells = <0x1>; 

# size-cells = <0x0>; 

reg = <0xfff00000 0x1000>; 

interrupts = <0x0 0x9a 0x4>; 

num-chipselect = <0x4>; 

bus-num = <0x0>; 

tx-dma-channel = <0x26 0x10>; 

rx-dma-channel = <0x26 0x11>; 

clocks = <0xe>; 


pitft@0 ( { 

compatible = "ilitek,ili9341"; 

reg = <0x0>; 

pinctrl-names = "default"; 

dc-gpios = <0x27 0x0 0x1>; 

spi-max-frequency = <0xf42400>; 

map = <0x1>; 

font = "VGA8x16"; 

rotate = <0x10e>; 

fps = <0x19>; 


buswidth = <0x8>; 

debug = <0x0>; 



stmpe161@1 ( { 

spi-max-frequency = <0xf4240>; 

compatible = "st,stmpe610"; 

reg = <0x1>; 


stmpe_touchscreen { 

compatible = "st,stmpe-ts"; 



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