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ethernet services Altera HAL

Honored Contributor II

I've ported the AN374 "Video over IP" to a Cyclone V device and it works fine. 

This solution didn't use a TSE and SGDMA cores to interface the MCU to the hardware. 

The software is based on Altera HAL and configures the hardware just only to run the demo application. 

I need to add a TCP/IP stack to implement ethernet services like ARP,DHCP client, ICMP, IGMPv3 etc. 

The Nios II wizard has a "ready" solution based on uCOS + iniche stack but it's requires a TSE and SGDMA into the hardware. Another solution can be to implement the Lwip stack but I suppose that needs the same requirements. 


Can you suggest how is the better way to begin?  

Adding uCOS or a different OS? Can I use Altera HAL? 

What kind of TCP/IP stack I can use? What is the better maintained/complete (many features)? 


Thanks in advance for your answers!
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