Nios® V/II Embedded Design Suite (EDS)
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import project in eclipse shows "unresovled inclusion "

Honored Contributor II


i download a reference design, i have to import software design because the project path changes. 

firstly,i import the software in nios eclipse, 

secondly, i change the settin.bsp file , change the "BspGeneratedLocatio" and the SopcDesinFile" lines 

then i regenerate the bsp,  

when i build the project, th eclispse tells me there are some "unresovled inlusion", such # include "alt_types.h"# include "alter_aalon_pio_regs.h" 


and then lots of errors: 

Symbol "PIO_IC_IRQ_BASE" could not e resolved  



i check the properties for the project, in C/C++ General=>Paths and Symbols 

in the Icludes tab, there are two GNU C, one is empty, and the other one include a lot of paths 




can someone help me? 

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