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Nios® V/II Embedded Design Suite (EDS)
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mouting SD card on uClinux

Honored Contributor II

I read the post about MMC/SD on altera wiki and followed this instruction but get this error 


I used hardware of DE2_NIOS_HOST_MOUSE_VGA (DE2_Systemv1.6 CD), removed the components of SD (SD_DAT, SD_CLK,SD_CMD) in SOPC builder, then i deleted these lines: 


// All inout port turn to tri-state 

assign SD_DAT = 1'bz; 


// Set SD Card to SD Mode 

//assign SD_DAT3 = 1'b1; 











*insert 4 lines code from wiki 

.MISO_to_the_mmc_spi (SD_DAT), 

.MOSI_from_the_mmc_spi (SD_CMD), 

.SCLK_from_the_mmc_spi (SD_CLK), 

.SS_n_from_the_mmc_spi (SD_DAT3), 



then generate and compile this projects 


after i used file system_0.ptf to make kernel and set config 


Device Drivers -->  


[*] SPI support --->  

[*] Altera SPI Controller 


[*] MMC/SD card support --->  

[*] MMC block device driver  

[*] Use bounce buffer for simple hosts  

[ ] SDIO UART/GPS class support  

[ ] MMC host test driver  

*** MMC/SD Host Controller Drivers ***  

[*] MMC/SD over SPI  


but when i boot with the SD card 1GB FAT, i see the messages  


mmc_spi spi2.0: ASSUMING SPI bus stays unshared! 

mmc_spi spi2.0: ASSUMING 3.2-3.4 V slot power 

mmc_spi spi2.0: SD/MMC host mmc0, no DMA, no WP, no poweroff 

TCP cubic registered 

NET: Registered protocol family 17 

RPC: Registered udp transport module. 

RPC: Registered tcp transport module. 

Freeing unused kernel memory: 676k freed (0x1f6000 - 0x29e000) 


but i can't see messages deteced MMC/SD or other messages 

mmc0: new SD card on SPI 

mmcblk0: mmc0:0000 TWTTI 124672KiB  


plese help me
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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II

Please help me, i searched these post about this problem on forum but no resulst

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