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"system id mismatch" error for multiprocessor application

Honored Contributor II

Hello everyone,  


I am trying to implement a microprocessor application by using two NIOS II. However, I have got a "system id mismatch" error during the debugging process. This error occurs for the cpu2 project. everything is ok for cpu1 project. I use same .sof and .spocinfo files for both bsp projects. bsp project for cpu1 corresponds to the first NIOS II and bsp project for cpu2 corresponds to the second NIOS II. Is there anything that i have to do for debugging two NIOS II on NIOS IDE 9.1. I have read the documents about it but i didn't found anything about this problem. Please help me.
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3 Replies
Honored Contributor II

No it looks like you are doing things as you should. Do both CPUs have their own system id component, and do you have one to one connections (i.e. only cpu1 connected to system id 1 and only cpu2 connectdd to system id 2)? 

When it says there is a mismatch, what are the expected and the actually read values for cpu2? Do they look like the values for cpu1?
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Honored Contributor II

Firstly, thank you very much for your answer.Actually, both CPUs are used the same system id component . Because, the name of the system id component must be "sysid" so that i can put only one in SOPC builder. actual read value is 0xffffffff .expected value changes after the compiling process. In my opininon there is something wrong in NIOS II IDE platform because this problem is occurs only for the cpu2 project.After changing their BSP projects, still cpu2 project gives same error. So, there is nothing wrong in the bsp projects. I read the documents about NIOSII multiprocessor application however there is not any useful idea about configuration of multiple debugging in NIOSII. they gave the make files and said that import them that's all.

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Honored Contributor II

I don't really know how eclipse sets the automatic ID verification, but it is rather strange that it needs to be that exact name to work... anyway, in that case one possibility is to put the system ID only on one CPU and to disable the verification on the second one.

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