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something wrong with my ALTLVDS_RX, ALTLVDS_TX and DDR3 controller



I’m using the Cyclone V 5CEFA5U19I7 to do my job,but something wrong happened


My work is Receiving differential data and Send in CameraLink format. When I do the Schematic design,I put the differential input and output signals in 5A and 5B Bank, and I use two PLL for the ALTLVDS_RX and ALTLVDS_TX ip core with external pll mode.everything is OK, The correct image is output.However,when I add the DDR3 controller in the Qsys,there are Compile problems as following:


Error (175020): Illegal constraint of fractional PLL to the region (68, 0) to (68, 61): no valid locations in region

        Info (175028): The fractional PLL name:


Info (175013): The PLL output counter is constrained to the region (68, 0) to (68, 61) due to related logic

        Info (175014): Region must be within (68, 0) to (68, 61) due to the signal(s) routed from the PLL output counter to PLL LVDS output


        Info (175014): Region must be within (68, 1) to (68, 55) due to the signal(s) routed from the PLL LVDS output to pin cameralink_Data3_p

        Info (175015): The I/O pad is constrained to the location PIN_G22 due to: User Location Constraints (PIN_G22)

        Error (11238): Node is not compatible with other nodes placed at the same location either because there are too few available fractional PLL locations, or the nodes have different inputs, parameters, or both.

        Error (11239): Could not merge with previously placed fractional PLLs at location FRACTIONALPLL_X68_Y54_N0

        Info (11237): Already placed at this location: fractional PLL System:inst|Sensor_timing:sensor_timing|Image_rx:image_rx_0|LVDSRX_PLL:lvdsrx_pll_0|LVDSRX_PLL_0002:lvdsrx_pll_inst|altera_pll:altera_pll_i|general[0].gpll~FRACTIONAL_PLL

        Info (175013): The fractional PLL is constrained to the region (68, 53) to (68, 61) due to related logic

        Info (175034): Assignment 1: Region must be in (0, 13) to (68, 61) due to the signal(s) routed from pin sensor_25m to the fractional PLL

        Info (175013): The pin is constrained to the region (40, 61) to (60, 61) due to related logic

        Info (175034): Assignment 1: Region must be in (11, 61) to (60, 61) due to the constraint on I/O pad sensor_25m, which is a part of pin sensor_25m

        Info (175015): The I/O pad is constrained to the location PIN_G13 due to: User Location Constraints (PIN_G13)

        Info (175034): Assignment 2: Region must be in (40, 61) to (60, 61) due to the signal(s) routed from the pin to fractional PLL



Info (175015): The I/O pad is constrained to the location PIN_G13 due to: User Location Constraints (PIN_G13)

        Info (175034): Assignment 2: Region must be in (40, 61) to (60, 61) due to the signal(s) routed from the pin to fractional PLL


        Info (175013): The fractional PLL is constrained to the region (68, 53) to (68, 60) due to related logic

        Info (175034): Assignment 2: Region must be in (68, 53) to (68, 60) due to the signal(s) routed from the fractional PLL to PLL output counter


        Info (175013): The PLL output counter is constrained to the region (68, 53) to (68, 61) due to related logic

        Info (175034): Assignment 2: Region must be in (68, 53) to (68, 61) due to the signal(s) routed from the PLL output counter to PLL LVDS output


        Info (175013): The PLL LVDS output is constrained to the region (68, 1) to (68, 55) due to related logic

        Info (175014): Region must be within (68, 1) to (68, 55) due to the signal(s) routed from the PLL LVDS output to pin sensor_data_ser_p[6]

        Info (175015): The I/O pad is constrained to the location PIN_R16 due to: User Location Constraints (PIN_R16)

        Info (175034): Assignment 2: Region must be in (68, 53) to (68, 61) due to the constraint on PLL output counter

System:inst|Sensor_timing:sensor_timing|Image_rx:image_rx_0|LVDSRX_PLL:lvdsrx_pll_0|LVDSRX_PLL_0002:lvdsrx_pll_inst|altera_pll:altera_pll_i|general[0].gpll~PLL_OUTPUT_COUNTER, which is a part of fractional PLL


Info (175013): The PLL output counter is constrained to the region (68, 53) to (68, 61) due to related logic

        Info (175034): Assignment 1: Region must be in (0, 13) to (68, 61) due to the signal(s) routed from fractional PLL

System:inst|Sensor_timing:sensor_timing|Image_rx:image_rx_0|LVDSRX_PLL:lvdsrx_pll_0|LVDSRX_PLL_0002:lvdsrx_pll_inst|altera_pll:altera_pll_i|general[0].gpll~FRACTIONAL_PLL to the PLL output counter

        Info (175013): The fractional PLL is constrained to the region (68, 53) to (68, 60) due to related logic

        Info (175034): Assignment 1: Region must be in (0, 13) to (68, 60) due to the signal(s) routed from pin sensor_25m to the fractional PLL



   I don’t know why, Does DDR3 controller affect my ALTLVDS work? And I try to remove the ALTLVDS_TX module,it Compile OK

   I tried many methods finding online. But no one works. Do you had the same or similar question? I need your help! Thank you very much!

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2 Replies

Thank you, I have figured it out.

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Hey there, I met the similar problem. How did you fix it?
Thanks in advance. 

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