Nios® V/II Embedded Design Suite (EDS)
Support for Embedded Development Tools, Processors (SoCs and Nios® V/II processor), Embedded Development Suites (EDSs), Boot and Configuration, Operating Systems, C and C++

update for AN351

New Contributor III

Dear Support, 


I am learning how to simulate Nios II with Modelsim Questa. I am new to Nios II, and Questa. 

it is great to find  AN 351 which is called Simulating Nios II Embedded Processor Designs. 

it is a little disappointed that AN-351-1.4 is based on  

The Quartus® II software version 11.0 or later
■ ModelSim-Altera Edition version 6.6d or higher
■ Nios II Embedded Design Suite version 11.0 or later


Is there a newer revision of a similar application note that can be used a tutorial of simulating Nios II? 


I am using Quartus PRO 21.3,

I followed the document step by step. it did run the simulation on the Questa. 

Here is the Transcript console dump. the problem is when I add wave signals. it couldn't find any signals. always says, No objects found matching


add wave -position insertpoint sim:/niosii_system_tb/niosii_system_inst/*

# ** UI-Msg: (vish-4014) No objects found matching '/niosii_system_tb/niosii_system_inst/*'.


It is very likely that I missed something.  could anyone give me some hint to trouble shoot my simulation environment.  appreciate your help. 

as an aged newbie, it is really painful to learn from scratchnosignal.png



add wave -position insertpoint sim:/niosii_system_tb/niosii_system_inst/*
# ** UI-Msg: (vish-4014) No objects found matching '/niosii_system_tb/niosii_system_inst/*'.
run -all
# 0: INFO: niosii_system_tb.niosii_system_inst_clk_bfm.niosii_system_inst_clk_bfm.__hello: - Hello from altera_clock_source.
# 0: INFO: niosii_system_tb.niosii_system_inst_clk_bfm.niosii_system_inst_clk_bfm.__hello: - $Revision: #1 $
# 0: INFO: niosii_system_tb.niosii_system_inst_clk_bfm.niosii_system_inst_clk_bfm.__hello: - $Date: 2021/07/29 $
# 0: INFO: niosii_system_tb.niosii_system_inst_clk_bfm.niosii_system_inst_clk_bfm.__hello: - CLOCK_RATE = 50000000 Hz
# 0: INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------
# 0: INFO: niosii_system_tb.niosii_system_inst_reset_bfm.niosii_system_inst_reset_bfm.__hello: - Hello from altera_reset_source
# 0: INFO: niosii_system_tb.niosii_system_inst_reset_bfm.niosii_system_inst_reset_bfm.__hello: - $Revision: #1 $
# 0: INFO: niosii_system_tb.niosii_system_inst_reset_bfm.niosii_system_inst_reset_bfm.__hello: - $Date: 2021/07/29 $
# 0: INFO: niosii_system_tb.niosii_system_inst_reset_bfm.niosii_system_inst_reset_bfm.__hello: - ASSERT_HIGH_RESET = 0
# 0: INFO: niosii_system_tb.niosii_system_inst_reset_bfm.niosii_system_inst_reset_bfm.__hello: - INITIAL_RESET_CYCLES = 50
# 0: INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------
# 0: INFO: niosii_system_tb.niosii_system_inst_reset_bfm.niosii_system_inst_reset_bfm.reset_assert: Reset asserted
# Initializing memory contents for niosii_system_tb.niosii_system_inst.nios2.nios2.cpu.niosii_system_nios2_altera_nios2_gen2_unit_1910_3utfmhi_ic_tag.the_altsyncram.initialize_mem_contents with niosii_system_nios2_altera_nios2_gen2_unit_1910_3utfmhi_ic_tag_ram.ver
# Initializing memory contents for niosii_system_tb.niosii_system_inst.nios2.nios2.cpu.niosii_system_nios2_altera_nios2_gen2_unit_1910_3utfmhi_bht.the_altsyncram.initialize_mem_contents with niosii_system_nios2_altera_nios2_gen2_unit_1910_3utfmhi_bht_ram.ver
# Initializing memory contents for niosii_system_tb.niosii_system_inst.nios2.nios2.cpu.niosii_system_nios2_altera_nios2_gen2_unit_1910_3utfmhi_register_bank_a.the_altsyncram.initialize_mem_contents with niosii_system_nios2_altera_nios2_gen2_unit_1910_3utfmhi_rf_ram_a.ver
# Initializing memory contents for niosii_system_tb.niosii_system_inst.nios2.nios2.cpu.niosii_system_nios2_altera_nios2_gen2_unit_1910_3utfmhi_register_bank_b.the_altsyncram.initialize_mem_contents with niosii_system_nios2_altera_nios2_gen2_unit_1910_3utfmhi_rf_ram_b.ver
# Initializing memory contents for niosii_system_tb.niosii_system_inst.nios2.nios2.cpu.the_niosii_system_nios2_altera_nios2_gen2_unit_1910_3utfmhi_nios2_oci.the_niosii_system_nios2_altera_nios2_gen2_unit_1910_3utfmhi_nios2_ocimem.niosii_system_nios2_altera_nios2_gen2_unit_1910_3utfmhi_ociram_sp_ram.the_altsyncram.initialize_mem_contents with niosii_system_nios2_altera_nios2_gen2_unit_1910_3utfmhi_ociram_default_contents.ver
# Initializing memory contents for niosii_system_tb.niosii_system_inst.ram.ram.the_altsyncram.altera_syncram_inst.initialize_mem_contents with niosii_system_ram_ram.ver
# 990000: INFO: niosii_system_tb.niosii_system_inst_reset_bfm.niosii_system_inst_reset_bfm.reset_deassert: Reset deasserted


Stuck here forever. 


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2 Replies
New Contributor III

I have figured out how to run AN351 through. even it taken many more days than I expected. as long as you pay attention to the Intel Quartus and Nios II handbooks. hard work and patience will give you good return.  there is no question on this AN351 from me anymore, please close this thread or mark it as solved. 


Thank you to all of the supporters. 

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Thanks for the feedback

Noted. Let me know if there is any other concern.

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