OpenCL* for CPU
Ask questions and share information on Intel® SDK for OpenCL™ Applications and OpenCL™ implementations for Intel® CPU.
This forum covers OpenCL* for CPU only. OpenCL* for GPU questions can be asked in the GPU Compute Software forum. Intel® FPGA SDK for OpenCL™ questions can be ask in the FPGA Intel® High Level Design forum.
1721 Discussions

Code Builder initialization failed


Dear all,

I am facing an issue with the Code Builder in the last Intel OpenCL SDK (version with Visual Studio 2017. When I start VS the following message appears: "Code Builder initialization failed: Failed to get platform info from server.". The problem is that I am not able to get access to any functionality of the Code Builder plug-in (Kernel Development, API debugger, etc).

My system consist on a Intel Core i3-3220T CPU with a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 Ti, I am using the latest drivers for both devices and I am running under Windows 10. The strange situation is that this issue does not happen when I had on my PC an AMD GPU (HD7970), this problem started once I replaced the AMD GPU with the NVIDIA one. I tried a fresh install of both the OS and the development tools but the issue remains... maybe there is a conflict with NVIDIA devices?. I tried an installation on a second machine with a Intel CPU and NVIDIA Quadro GPU and I obtained the same issue.


Thanks for your help!

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10 Replies

Same error here:

I have just installed "opencl_runtime_16.1.2_x64_setup.msi" and "intel_sdk_for_opencl_2017_7.0.0.2567.exe", in that order, on a MacBook Pro Retina Early 2013 running Bootcamp 5.1.5621 with Windows 7 x64 Ultimate and every Service Pack until 12 May 2018 installed, for Visual Studio Community 2015 version 14.0.25431.01 Update 3,  and when Visual Studio starts I get the following error message:

Code Builder initialization failed:
Failed to get platform info from server


Did you resolve yours?


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I would like to up this issue. In the months following this post I have tried to use the Intel OpenCL SDK on several PCs with Intel CPU and NVIDIA GPUs and the result is the same. The Code Builder plugin for VS does not start. If I remove the NVIDIA card (with associated drivers) and install an AMD GPU or keep the Intel iGPU the Code Builder starts normally.

¿Somebody is able to use the SDK with NVIDIA graphics cards installed?, ¿is there a way to obtain a log or status file when I start VS that could give me a clue of what is happening?. Thanks for your help!


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Hi EdgardoD,


Installers from various vendors may change which/how the ICD loader library and references deployed.

It may be useful to see the registry contents of:


before the system change as well as after. Other users may have input from similar multivendor configurations on the forum.

See the Khronos reference for more details.


The latest stable motherboard bios, as well as the latest supported Intel Graphics Driver for Windows have resolved issues some users have seen with multiple OCL vendor/device systems. Check for a supported driver from either from the system OEM or from Recently, users have observed some drivers available via Windows update are behind what's available from those other sources. The OpenCL runtime for Intel Graphics is installed as part of the Intel Graphics video driver package.


Note that the SDK is now available as a subcomponent of Intel® System Studio 2019 Beta. It's been validated against VS2017. 


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Hi Michael,

thanks for your answer. Here my inputs:

1) The registry contents in Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Khronos\OpenCL\Vendors are the following:

  • C:\Windows\System32\nvopencl.dll
  • intelopencl64.dll
  • intelopencl64_2_1.dll
  • intelOpenCLProfiler.dll

2) My current CPU does not have an integrated GPU, so I suppose that I cannot install the Intel Graphics Driver.

3) I already installed the System Studio 2019 Beta and the problem persists.

Well, my current machine (I sold the original one some time ago) has the following specs:

Intel Core i7 -4820K CPU 3.70GHz
x2 NVIDIA GeForce GTX1060 6GB
Windows 10 Pro

Currently I am using Visual Studio 2015 and I recently installed System Studio 2019 Beta to gain access to OpenCL, however the issue remains. I have done some testing with some small OpenCL programs and in my system I see three platforms:

  2. Intel(R) OpenCL
  3. Experimental OpenCL 2.1 CPU Only Platform

When I build the solution the OpenCL Code Builder fails with the following messages:

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error Unknown attribute kind (48) ocl_mc_test c:\Users\edoerner\documents\visual studio 2015\Projects\ocl_mc_test\INTEL_OPENCL_BUILD_RULES 1
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error MSB3721 The command ""C:\Program Files (x86)\IntelSWTools\OpenCL\sdk\bin\x86\ioc32.exe" -cmd=build -input="D:\OCL_MC\ocl_mc\" -output="Debug\ocl_mc.out" -VS -device=CPU -simd=default -targetos=current            -bo="           "" exited with code 1. ocl_mc_test C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V140\BuildCustomizations\IntelOpenCL.targets 98


However, if in the properties of my .cl file I choose the Experimental platform the Code Builder compiles the source file without problems and then the program starts. Well, thanks for your help!


0 Kudos


...I suppose that I cannot install the Intel Graphics Driver.

The Intel Graphics Drivers are for SKUs that have Intel Graphics Technology (GEN). They include not just a graphics device driver, but also an OpenCL imlpementation targeting Intel Graphics Technology. However, our SDK and OpenCL CPU Runtime implementation have been designed for users to develop and execute OpenCL applications on Intel CPUs. See the runtimes portal page, and the CPU section for more details. The current CPU implementation is versioned 16.1.2 for Windows and Linux respectively. 


I'm glad you were able to find a solution to get running.

What is the default selection on the .cl files properties on your platform? Would you mind sharing a screen shot of the dialog or settings pane used in this forum thread?

Is your project in x86 (32bit ) or x86_64 (64bit) mode?

This feedback is useful. I'll make some recommendations to the SDK team.



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Hi Michael,

I will give you some screenshots as soon as possible. In the meanwhile doing some testing I decided to remove everything and do a clean install of only the SDK (no Intel CPU runtime installation) and now the Code Builder initializes without problems. Looking at the platforms available at my machine now I see the Experimental and NVIDIA OpenCL platforms. I am able to query the properties of each platform and run the OpenCL samples without issues.


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Here is a screenshot for the properties of the *.cl file, if I point to the Intel CPU (using the runtime) the compilation fails, however, if I set the Experimental platform everything runs fine.


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    I'm currently working on DE-10 standard board cyclone v. 

My system :

windows 7 x64

installed intel fpga sdk for opencl 18.1

bsp 18.1

Visual studio 2015

but the runtime is not supporting 

what should i do now kindly help me , what to do for the board i mentioned above.

what versions to install?

0 Kudos

To the original message in this thread... Which unfortunately went stale after the screen shot due to misreading... Experimental runtime provided in early versions of 2019 SDK and earlier will conflict on systems with the CPU Runtime installed.

The CPU Runtime 18.1 is installed as a standalone (currently available on as well as a subcomponent for the latest versions of the 2019 SDK.

Do not use any two installs of the CPU Runtime from Intel over each other at the same time. Remove the Experimental runtime and older versions of the SDK.

Systems with multiple vendors touch registry locations indicating ICD references for OpenCL implementations. A clean install is advised if a system ever comes from using the Experiemental runtime that was included with earlier versions of 2019 SDK, the 2018 SDK and prior. Users should look to use 2020 SDK, 2019 SDK Update 5 over older versions.




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m sai devaraj,


The SDK itself is not validated for use on Windows 7. Moving to Windows 10 may be an important consideration as recent press announcements indicate support for Windows 7 is ending on 14 Jan 2020.

If you'd like to further qualify which SDK you're using and the runtime for compatibility, please open a new topic on the forum. Also see the latest components article... which should be updated shortly for 2020 SDK commentatry.



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