OpenCL* for CPU
Ask questions and share information on Intel® SDK for OpenCL™ Applications and OpenCL™ implementations for Intel® CPU.
This forum covers OpenCL* for CPU only. OpenCL* for GPU questions can be asked in the GPU Compute Software forum. Intel® FPGA SDK for OpenCL™ questions can be ask in the FPGA Intel® High Level Design forum.
1719 Discussions

How to Locally Debug OpenCL Kernels on an Intel GPU?

My goal is to debug OpenCL kernels on an Intel GPU using Visual Studio 2017. My Intel GPU is not being used for graphics, so I should be able to use a single machine according to the “Developer Guide for Intel SDK for OpenCL Applications.” Are there any instructions or guides on how to debug a kernel on an Intel GPU on a setup like mine? I have been trying to piece together relevant portions of old guides and stackoverflow posts, but nothing seems to work. It appears that there have been several changes to the Visual Studio support in the past couple years, so no source of information has a complete explanation of the current state of development for this scenario. The “Debugging OpenCL Kernels on GPU” steps in the Developer Guide for Intel SDK for OpenCL Applications only goes into detail for remote debug sessions. When I try to follow the steps in it, I just get errors about gdbserver not working: INTEL_GT_DEBUGGER: (7594099) Starting gdbserver on localhost INTEL_GT_DEBUGGER: (7594286) gdbserver exited with 0. INTEL_GT_DEBUGGER: (7595134) Attempt 1/3 failed: One or more errors occurred. INTEL_GT_DEBUGGER: (7596136) Attempt 2/3 failed: One or more errors occurred. INTEL_GT_DEBUGGER: (7597138) Attempt 3/3 failed: One or more errors occurred. INTEL_GT_DEBUGGER: (7597155) Unable to connect to remote target localhost. Please make sure that the target machine is accessible. I have also found that Intel OpenCL platforms are completely unavailable within debug sessions unless I disable “Enable OpenCL API Debugger” in Code-Builder. Is that expected behavior?
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