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OpenCL* for CPU
Ask questions and share information on Intel® SDK for OpenCL™ Applications and OpenCL™ implementations for Intel® CPU.
This forum covers OpenCL* for CPU only. OpenCL* for GPU questions can be asked in the GPU Compute Software forum. Intel® FPGA SDK for OpenCL™ questions can be ask in the FPGA Intel® High Level Design forum.
1722 Discussions

Installing SDK 2012 on Debian Systems

Hi all,

I am trying to install the Intel OpenCL SDK 2012 on Ubuntu 64 bit 12.04. For prior Ubuntu and SDK versions the alien tool just worked out fine for me. However, I had some problems using alien with the new SDK 2012 saying that

DB_VERSION_MISMATCH: Database environment version mismatch

The solution is

sudo rm ~./rpmdb/__db*

sudo rpm rebuilddb

sudo alien -i intel_ocl_sdk_2012_x64.rpm

Yet it would be so nice, if Intel provided a debian package, and also not only dynamic libraries but also the static libraries.

Best regards,

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