OpenCL* for CPU
Ask questions and share information on Intel® SDK for OpenCL™ Applications and OpenCL™ implementations for Intel® CPU.
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1722 Discussions

Kernel Compute Errors on CENTOS7.1



      Something strange hanppened when I was debugging a kernel.I tested my kernel on win7 using both CPU and GPU as computing device, the result are both correct.When I do the same test on CENTOS7.1, it got the same right result  when the kernel running on CPU, but some random errors occured while running on GPU. According to this situation, the kernel code seems fine, since it worked all right on Windows. So I assume these errors are caused by either opencl driver on linux or something that is paltform-related on kernel development  .Do you have some clue on this subject ? Thank you.

     BTW, my hardware is I7-4790K + HD4600, the opencl driver is installed by MSDK2016R1 installation package.

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1 Reply

Hi Tianruo,

Couple of things:

1. Could you please provide a small reproducer including the kernel and attach it to this thread or send me a private message if you are uncomfortable sharing the code in a public forum?

2. We just released a standalone Linux driver for CentOS 7.1, that fixes a number of issues. You could try installing that and see if it resolves your problem.

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