OpenCL* for CPU
Ask questions and share information on Intel® SDK for OpenCL™ Applications and OpenCL™ implementations for Intel® CPU.
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1722 Discussions

OpenCL CPU runtime won't install even if Intel GPU driver doesn't include OpenCL

New Contributor II

Take for example SandyBridge Windows 10 inbox driver - Even if inbox drivers for at least older iGPUs if not all never include an OpenCL CPU runtime, the OpenCL CPU runtime 16.1.1 refuse to install anyway if the graphics driver is there, even if there is no GPU OpenCL support. So on clean, default installation of Windows you have to uninstall the graphics driver, install OpenCL CPU runtime quickly before Windows puts the driver back. You might struggle with this an hour or 2 until you are lucky enough to beat Windows in this race.  This is incredibly annoying, as this affects even slightly  newer hardware like IvyBridge when you want the latest and greatest OpenCL CPU runtime. OpenCL CPU runtime installer clearly needs improvement as there are some cases where it can be safely installed despite graphics driver presence.    

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15 Replies

Thanks for this report.  No promises or timelines yet, but I am starting a request to update the installer.  

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Valued Contributor II
>>...So on clean, default installation of Windows you have to uninstall the graphics driver, install OpenCL CPU runtime quickly >>before Windows puts the driver back. You might struggle with this an hour or 2 until you are lucky enough to beat Windows >>in this race. This is incredibly annoying, as this affects even slightly newer hardware like IvyBridge when you want the latest >>and greatest OpenCL CPU runtime. OpenCL CPU runtime installer clearly needs improvement as there are some cases >>where it can be safely installed despite graphics driver presence. Absolutely agree with that and on my older Ivy Bridge mobile workstation that installer created a complete "havoc". I was feeling that something would go wrong and created a Restore Point on Windows 7 before installation. When installer asked me to uninstall Intel HD Graphics driver I've accepted that and I would expect that it would install a new one. Unfortunately it did Not. Also, the installer's message was very fuzzy and it didn't explain, or warn, what would be done next. After I've rebooted the system almost all utilities that rely on graphics stopped working and after ~30 minutes I've used a Restore Point to rollback all changes and re-installed an Intel HD Graphics driver from Windows update. In overall, it took about 2 hours to restore the system in a previous working state. Jeffrey, it was very-very unpleasant experience with opencl_runtime_16.1.1_x64_setup.msi and I consider a task of updating the installer as a high priority. So, the installer must be explicit and clear on all messages and all steps that will be done, etc.
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Valued Contributor II
>>...So on clean, default installation of Windows you have to uninstall the graphics driver... Jeffrey, Why does it need that? AMD APP SDK v2.9 for CPU only processing perfectly installs and doesn't affect latest NVIDIA and Intel drivers. As a summary, I've finally achieved all objectives of OpenCL environment configurations and on an Ivy Bridge system with Windows 7 SP1 I have: Number of Platforms: 2 Platform #1: Intel(R) OpenCL Device #1: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3840QM CPU @ 2.80GHz Device #2: Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000 Platform #2: NVIDIA CUDA Device #1: Quadro K1000M
0 Kudos

Sorry to hear about the difficult install experience.

The dev team is looking into the standalone runtime install and agrees that the issues described in this thread should be processed as bugs.

As a temporary workaround, it may be possible to skip the 16.1.1 CPU-only install entirely.  For an up-to-date CPU implementation, you could use the experimental 2.1 implementation.  This is installed with the SDK, not a separate package.

0 Kudos
Valued Contributor II
>>...When installer asked me to uninstall Intel HD Graphics driver I've accepted that and I would expect that it would >>install a new one. Unfortunately it did Not... I'd like to provide a complete list of my steps: - Started opencl_runtime_16.1.1_x64_setup.msi installer and it notified me that Intel HD Graphics driver is currently installed - Installer terminated - I've created a Restore Point of Windows 7 SP1 - I've started uninstall of Intel HD Graphics driver and something went wrong - a Blank Screen appeared and after waiting for ~15 minutes I've powered off the notebook - Powered on the notebook - After the Windows 7 restarted it was clear that all software subsystems that previously relied on Intel HD Graphics driver don't work any longer - Verified different apps for ~30 minutes and then restored a system to a previous state - However, a signature of Intel HD Graphics driver was not correct ( Windows informed me ) and I've used a Windows Update to install a new Intel HD Graphics driver >>...For an up-to-date CPU implementation, you could use the experimental 2.1 implementation. This is installed with the SDK, >>not a separate package... It will be a very good solution if Intel OpenCL runtime for CPU only would be included with Intel Parallel Studio XE Cluster Edition. The Cluster Edition has already many Intel libraries and that saves time for developers ( no need to install them separately ).
0 Kudos
Valued Contributor II
>>...As a temporary workaround, it may be possible to skip the 16.1.1 CPU-only install entirely. For an up-to-date CPU implementation, >>you could use the experimental 2.1 implementation. This is installed with the SDK, not a separate package. I will stay with what I have now, that is two OpenCL platforms and 3 different devices, since I don't what to spend more time on configurations ( spent a lot already... ). My current OpenCL setups for Windows and Linux allow me to do what I need for an R&D.
0 Kudos

Thanks for the additional details.  Glad you found something that works.  Hope we can make this easier in the future.

0 Kudos
New Contributor II

I will stay with what I have now, that is two OpenCL platforms and 3 different devices, since I don't what to spend more time on configurations ( spent a lot already... ). My current OpenCL setups for Windows and Linux allow me to do what I need for an R&D.

Wise choice considering the uninstall process for  OpenCL CPU runtime is similarly affected.

Here is a breakdown of the interaction between the graphics driver and standalone OpenCL CPU runtime based on user action, what it is currently and what it should be:

User action                                                Actual behavior                                          Expected behavior

Install OpenCL CPU only runtime       Require graphics driver uninstall    Require uninstall of OpenCL CPU runtime if already installed

Uninstall OpenCL CPU runtime            Require graphics driver uninstall        Nothing except potential file in use conditions

Uninstall graphics driver                        Removes OpenCL CPU runtime           Let the user choose what to do or keep it

                                                                    with no chance to keep it   




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Thanks for the breakdown.  This helps as we queue up the tasks to fix these bugs. 

0 Kudos

Has this ever been resolved?
​I'm running into the same issue. I have a Skylake core i7 platform, NVidia GForce 1080. 
​Downloaded the drivers for the CPU, but forced to uninstall the existing Intel drivers.



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New Contributor II
Based on what was mentioned above I think the best workaround is to always get the graphics driver in ZIP format. It seams it lacks OpenCL CPU runtime for some reason, probably to save space as it seams it is less compressed than the EXE version. You can then install OpenCL SDK if you need OpenCL CPU support.
0 Kudos
New Contributor II
OpenCL CPU Only runtime 16.1.2 is out and this bug is still present. I also noticed that recent branches of the windows graphics driver, versions 15.60 for instance, include a fully integrated version of OpenCL CPU runtime which indicates that Intel is phasing out OpenCL CPU Only runtime
0 Kudos

opencl tells me that i should uninstall intel graphics but i dont know if its safe,will it reinstall ( i use 64 bit ) and what should i do after i install opencl by uninstalling intel graphics?

0 Kudos

Hi HermayH,

Thanks for coming to the forums with this question and thanks for the interest.

Is uninstalling the graphics driver package necessary to meet your goals for OpenCL program execution?

  • Intel® Graphics driver packages already contain both CPU and Graphics based OpenCL implementations.
  • The standalone CPU implementation does not install when it detects Intel® Graphics Driver package implementations... so the choice the system administrator makes is for either the CPU implementation or the Intel® Graphics Driver implementation.
  • Note that SDK/OpenCL developer tools may look to install the CPU implementation during installation of Intel® System Studio 2019 or the standalone OpenCL tools installer. Similar conflict detection should apply.
  • For reference here is the warning dialog box when using Intel® CPU Runtime for OpenCL™ Applications 18.1 standalone installer on a system with a graphics driver package installed:
  • 20190422_installer.png


Sidebar: Please note that OEMs and system vendors may provide their own packages containing Intel® Graphics Drivers, which have OpenCL runtimes... Consider these recommended priorities for obtaining a graphics driver package:

  1. The system OEM or vendor's website. Some vendors may tie support or warranty service to using their drivers. Consult the vendor to ensure service is retained.
  2. The download center has Intel® Graphics drivers. Windows OS drivers are available based on platform.
  3. Windows* 10 OS comes stock with Intel® Graphics drivers when deployed on a capable system. 




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This problem persists in the February 2020 release version of the Graphics Driver. I can't install the 18.1 version of the CPU runtime even if I uninstall the grpahics driver.
It actually got worse because in the February 2020 version of the driver the OpenCL runtime no longer ships by default forcing people to install the CPU runtime manually which I am stuck on due to this bug.
The reason I want the CPU runtime is because I want to debug OpenCL kernels on the CPU rather than the GPU.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
