Intel® Processors, Tools, and Utilities
14970 Discussions

I5 13600kf chauffe

Boitier MSI r110
4070ti gaming slim
I5 13600kf
B760 a gaming wifi ddr5
2x16g de ram 6200mhz corsaire
Watercooling MSI coreliquid 240 v2
Rm850x alimentation
2x1to SSD p5 plus crucial
Bonjour , je viens d'acheter tout les composants et j'ai donc monté mon premier pc , tout allait bien jusqu au temps que je remarque que d un coup le pc c'est mit a freeze , j'ai donc installé hwinfo64 pour vérifier les températures et c'est là que j'ai remarqué qu à certain moment la température arrive a 100 degrés pendant quelques secondes et redescend. Je suppose que c'est a ce moment là que le pc ce met a freeze car je vois que dans hwinfo il met deux ligne oui en rouge ( limite atteinte ).
Avez vous une solution pour régler se problème de hausse de température ?
Est ce un problème de watercooling ?
Peut t on régler la tension dans Intel xtu quand celle ci sont grisée ? Si oui quelles manipulations faut il faire ? ( Je suppose dans le bios ).

Je vous remercie a tous pour vos réponse j'évite d'utiliser le pc même si c'est arrivé que en jeu pour le moment et lors de test cinebench43 ( pour la hausse de température ) et les 4 fois où ça a freeze était en jeu.

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3 Replies

Hello @Lory


Thank you for posting on the Intel️® communities.

Our support is only provided in English. To better assist you, we use a translation tool, hence; the translation may not be completely accurate.  


We understand you are experiencing thermal issues with your Intel® Core™ i5-13600KF Processor, we will be more than happy to assist you.


Please check the following:


Check the thermal solution installation

·       For other thermal solutions such as liquid cooling solutions, refer to the vendor instructions on how to install. Note that for liquid cooling, you must ensure that the pump cable and radiator fans are plugged into appropriate board headers.

·       Make sure to apply the right amount of thermal interface material (TIM) on the processor.


Check air ventilation

·       Verify that chassis internal airflow is adequate.

·       Verify system cabling or other components aren't obstructing system air flow.

·       Verify that general airflow rate and direction are correct. If using multiple system fans, verify that overall system intake and exhaust is balanced.

·       For an evacuated system configuration (fans blowing outward), ensure proper inlet venting.

·       For pressurized system configuration (fans blowing inward), ensure proper outlet venting.


Load BIOS default/or Update BIOS

·       Try to load the default BIOS setting in your system.

·       Or, try to update the BIOS.

·       Note: You may wish to note the current BIOS settings before resetting the BIOS.


Also, in order to have more information about your system, please download, install and run Intel® System Support Utility for Windows. Make sure you check “Everything” before you scan, then save the report and attach it to your response.


Then, please generate and attach the report from Intel® Processor Diagnostic Tool.


Best regards,

Jose B.

Intel Customer Support Technician

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Hello Lory


We hope you are doing fine. 


Were you able to check the previous steps? 

Let us know if you still need assistance by attaching the required reports. 


Best regards,  

Jose B.   

Intel Customer Support Technician 

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Hello Lory


We hope you are having a nice day. 


We have not heard back from you. So, we will close this thread. If you need any additional information, submit a new question, as this thread will no longer be monitored. 


Best regards. 

Jose B.  

Intel Customer Support Technician. 

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