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14961 Discussions

I5 6600k is laggy?


Hello guys, Im no professional when it comes to knowing things about computers, I know the basics of what is needed to make them run, but not how those things work. Anyways, so I recently switched over to intel from an AMD FX 6300 to an I5 6600k right and it generally works well, 60 FPS in most games but there is an issue: The game freezes up and there are lag spikes whenever there is something new to load in. (I think that's why at least.) So anyway the reason I say that is because as I move around in most of my games, I can see things appear in front of me that I would (On my old processor) have already seen as they would have already been loaded in. For example, while I am running in one game I see trees loading in above me, in another I see cars appear right in front of me. I have already check and in games the temps of all my CPU cores and my CPU are normal, My Graphics cards temp is normal and the GPU usage hangs around 90-99% while CPU at 40-55% When these said lag spikes occur I see both of these things drop the graphics to 0-17% and processor to about 13%. My RAM usage is at about 3100-3300 which is also normal and my internet is fine, I have absolutely NO IDEA what the problem could possibly be so I am relying on you guys (The smart ones) to help me out here. my specs are as follows: Motherboard: GA B150M Processor cooler: Cooler Master Hyper T4 Processor: I5 6600k (Default Clock) Grahpics Card: Gtx 950 FTW PSU: EVGA 500w. My monitor is a 60 Ghz refresh rate so guys I have no idea what the problem is, any help at all would be GREAT. Is there a possibility that this is something to do with my drivers? I dont exactly know what version I have and I dont know where to find the installation for the latest ones.

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2 Replies

Hello, 20621625:

Thank you for joining the Intel communities.

I would like to gather more information in regard to your case, so please fill out the following form Default level information for reporting Graphics issues and post here, this information will help to narrow the issue.



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Hello, /thread/104811 20621625:

I just wanted to check on your thread; were you able to track this down? If the issue persists please provide the information requested above.



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