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Intel® Processors, Tools, and Utilities
16033 Discussions

I9 10900k Overheating


Hello, I have had a pre build pc for about 3 years now. Around a year and a half ago my PC would randomly start giving up in the middle of the day with its fps going from 200 constant to 10-40. I would then restart my pc and it would say the CPU temp is to high. I would then have to turn off my pc and wait around 5 minutes before turning it back on and it would be fine for a while. Recently this started to happen more often. I downloaded some softwares and ran some checks. Around 90% of the time my CPU will be maxed out at 100c. However this does not mean it would immediately run poorly. Usually if I tab out of a game there is a 20% chance it will throttle my fps until I turn it off. I recently took the glass off and checked to make sure everything was working that I knew to check. My water cooling pump is working with one tube warm and the other cool. There is thermal paste on the cpu and all of the fans are working fine. I don't know what else to check as when I got home today my pc immediately started running at 15 frames even with nothing open and just dragging around a chrome tab is torture so obviously I cant play any games. If anyone has any idea of what could be throttling my fps in all games that would be greatly appreciated.


Also I don't know why but after a couple restarts my cpu temp is stable in the mid 50c but my fps is still horrible with a max of 10 in games so I don't know at this point.

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6 Replies

Hello, @John_David1  


Thank you for posting on the Intel® communities.  


If you have fps issues, you need to post your issue in the Graphics forum to receive help from the proper team. 


If you are still experiencing overheating issues with the processor, please let me know. 


Best regards,  

Jocelyn M.   

Intel Customer Support Technician. 

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Thank you for your response,


I am not really sure what is happening with my CPU temperature. For around a year it would always be maxed out at 100c and would almost never drop down. This however did not seem to affect the performance of my PC often or at least didn't seem to be the root cause my my problems. However, recently as of last week, it randomly stopped staying at 100c. Now it sits around 50 to 60 most of the time but if it does spike up to 80+ like it has a couple days this past week it will stay there and only go up in temperature as the day goes on. I really don't know what the issue is as mentioned in my first question I have checked that there is thermal paste, the CPU cooler is working, and from the CPU benchmarks I have run it seems to be ok (although honestly I barley understand the different scores the benchmarks are giving me and I do feel it should probably be a higher score).

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Hello, @John_David1  


Thank you for your reply. 


Please be aware that having temperature spikes, or having high or maximum temperatures while running a workload, such as games, isn't necessarily cause for concern and it is an expected behavior. Intel processors constantly monitor their temperature and can rapidly adjust their frequency and power consumption to prevent overheating and damage. You can verify this information in this article: Seeing Temperature Spikes when Playing Games on Systems with Intel® Core™ Processors 


Also, your processor can go up to 100°C; as per your processor specifications, especially running workloads as mentioned above.  


  • Do you have BSODs or crashes on your computer? 
  • Does it happen with only one game or several games? 


On the other hand, please run validated tools to monitor the temperatures, test your processor and attach the reports, as we cannot validate or guarantee 3rd party tools are accurate: 


Intel® Processor Diagnostic Tool 

Note: Please attach the complete Screenshot or click on "File", select the "View Results File" option, save, and attach the report. 


Intel® Extreme Tuning Utility (Intel® XTU) 

Note: Click on the "Stress Test" tab and "Start Testing" and then, attach a complete screenshot. 


Intel® System Support Utility for Windows. 

Note: Make sure to mark the box that says "everything" before pressing the Scan button. After that, click on "Next>" and select "Save" and then, attach the .txt file. 


Best regards,  

Jocelyn M.   

Intel Customer Support Technician. 


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Thank you again for your quick response,


To answer your first two questions about crashing and when my CPU temperature spikes,


Yes, my PC has blue screened but only twice that I can remember so it is very very rare.


Also my CPU temperature would not just spike when playing games. Up until about a week ago it would almost always be at 100c even if I was doing absolutely nothing on my computer. As I mentioned earlier, I was trying to figure out why my CPU was overheating and installed the first two software you mentioned above because I saw a similar post to mine with those mentioned. After installing them one of them needed to reset my PC to finish the installation. After restarting later that day I shut my computer off completely again and now randomly my CPU is not overheating like it did for the past year straight (only hitting 100c one time in the past week). So now I don't even know if my PC problems are related to my CPU.


Below I have attached the screenshots to the IPDT and the IXTU results that you asked for. I have also attached the txt document for the System Support Utility

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Hello, @John_David1  


Thank you for your reply and the information provided. 


I checked your reports and everything points out that the processor's health is okay. 


If you continue seeing overheating issues, you can try the steps of this article: Overheating Symptoms and Troubleshooting for Intel® Boxed Processors 


However, the temperatures are normal in the XTU and IPDT, so you might consider updating your BIOS to the latest version (1621) and checking if you have the proper thermal solution for your processor if keep having very high temperatures: How to Choose Thermal Solutions for Intel® Core™ Boxed Desktop Processor 


Best regards,  

Jocelyn M.   

Intel Customer Support Technician. 

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Hello, @John_David1   


I hope you are doing great. 


As we have not heard back from you, we will proceed to close this thread now. 


If you need any further assistance with other matters, please feel free to contact us back and submit a new question as this thread will no longer be monitored.  


Best regards,  

Jocelyn M.   

Intel Customer Support Technician. 

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