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Intel AntiTheft Problems - Please help


I recently installed the Intel Antitheft software on my Samsung Series 9 laptop and started subscription based service. I activated Intel AT in the bios and configured everything according to the instructions. I've setup my laptop to suspend after the default 21 days after not syncing with the Intel Servers. A few days after starting my subscription I rebooted my machine and it got suspended and took me to a "DOS" screen and it said something like this:

User has requested to enter AT suspend 

mode. Refer to the following platform recovery ID to IT.

Enter "server based suspend token"

Unfortunately I didn't write down the complete/exact message but it listed a whole bunch of numbers (Recovery ID) and said to call IT. No where on this screen did it ask for or prompt for a password. So immediately I called IT AntiTheft support and spoke to someone in a call center overseas. I explained what the problem was and he asked if I was able to type anything at the prompt. I typed random letters and it allowed me, but this caused the first failed attempt. Then the technician said to type in my email address. This caused the second failed attempt. He then said type in my "analog password". I asked what an analog password was as I was unfamiliar with that term. He explained this was the password you used when you first got your computer. I then asked is this my windows password. He said no. I asked is this a BIOS password and he said no. Finally I figured out, on my own, this was the recovery password I created when I setup the anti-theft service. This is my first problem is communication between end users and tech support is they're unclear at explaining the resolution and they dont comprehend what is being asked. I get they're probably trained to repeat all questions being asked, which they do, but they truly don't comprehend the problem.

Well my recovery password didn't work either which caused my machine to then lock. No knowing what to do I rebooted my machine and miraculously it booted into windows. Crisis averted. I asked to speak to a senior technician (aka tier 2 or tier 3) and was told there is no way to transfer me and someone would have to call back. The next available appointment would be 18 hours. Are you kidding me? 18 hours for a call back on a locked computer. Very disappointing. Then I wait for my 2 hour call back window the next day and no one calls. I then call and was told because I have callerID anonymous call block on my landline they couldn't get through to me. Are you serious? You can't unblock your phone number? Really? So after I call back after my 2 hour window expired I asked to talk to a senior technician...and guess what they transferred me. The previous day they said there was no way to transfer me to a senior technician but today they could. Well I spoke to someone and he said give me 20 minutes to review this and I will call back. Well guess what...I never received the callback even though I disabled my anonymous callerID block.

Enough of my ranting and complaining about the bad support from intel. I wrote the above because I'm hoping someone is monitoring this forum and can address the poor tech support issue. Below are the answers that I'm trying to get and even though I've called numerous times over the past week to get an answer no one has been able to help me.

What I want to know is:

  1. what caused this to happen in the first place?
  2. How do I prevent this from happening in the future?
  3. What is a server based suspend token?
  4. What is a platform recovery ID?

Can someone please help me?

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10 Replies

At this time the Intel support staff is only providing technical assistance for the Best Buy* Blue label laptops models Sony – VAIO* VPCSC1AFM/S and Toshiba Satellite* E305-S1990X, you can find more information here:

If your computer is equipped with Intel® Anti-Theft Technology but it is a different model tan the ones listed before, then all the support and assistance for the Intel® Anti theft technology must be provided by the computer manufacturer or the place of purchase.

Since you have a Samsung* computer I recommend to contact their technical support website at

For more information you can visit the following web site:

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Actually this wouldn't be supported by Samsung since this Intel Anti-Theft Technology is a service provided by Intel. While Intel does give the capability to activate anti theft technology using various service providers, I activated service with Intel for their AT services. This was an after market subscription for paid service via Intel Anti Theft Technolofy services and thus this is supported by Intel and not Samsung.

The blue label from best buy you're talking about are for computers sold via best buy that includes the Intel AT Service by default and the service is included with the purchase of the laptop. I purchased the service subscription directly from Intel.

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Please check the following website, and contact the closest support center for your location:

They will be able to assist you.

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Unfortunately I called the phone number on the Intel Anti-Theft Support website and they were unable to help me...hence me posting this issue here on the forum. As I mentioned in my original posting I called the support number and they couldn't help.
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Hey Adolfo_Intel, Intel does support the Intel Anti-Theft Service. I see you provided a better support link on a different reply.

John S.

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I am currently experiencing a similar issue, I had the same Lock out screen and no one knew what the Token key was and after several failed attempts it booted into WIndows.

Currently the AT service is not syncing with the server, so my computer will time out to a permanent "DOS" lock at the end of the 21 days. The Intel AT support is completely useless, been on the phone with them for the past week. This is an Intel issue not an OEM issue.

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I completely agree. This is an intel service issue and has nothing to do with the laptop manufacturer. Do you know what day your service got locked? Maybe it happened on the same day mine locked and it's an issue on intel's side that sent out a command to lock machines. I think mine happend on Sept 18th, possibly 19th around 1pm CST.

No one from tech support can answer what caused the problem or how to prevent it from happening in the future. I've temporarily suspended my service until someone can analyze the problem and tell me what happened.

In my case I looked at my sync logs and It's synced almost every day and actually did sync the same day it locked so I don't think that's causing the problem, unless on my end it's showing it synced and on intel's end it's showing that it isn't. I also just started the service on the 16th so it's been less than the 21 day window to sync with intel

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I recently had the same problem again where my laptop asked for server based unlock. I entered my Win password and that didn't work. I entered my unlock key and that didn't work. I entered a null password and that didn't work. It then rebooted and I got to my Windows login.

Also I recently upgraded to Win8 and now my laptop isn't syncing with the Intel Anti Theft Server. How do I fix this?

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Yes I unsubscribed and re-installed as you previously mentioned. The problem happened again after I upgraded to Win8. I also have problems with syncing to the intel servers. I called tech support and was told that the latest released version doesn't support windows 8. Could this be the reason for not syncing to the servers?

I was told to uninstall the service and wait for the new version of the Intel Anti Theft program which will be version 2.0. The weblink that you sent suggests the current v1.5.x supports win8 but when you call tech support they said it doesn't. Can you please advise which is the correct answer? Should I have uninstalled v1.5.x? When is v2.0 coming out?

Please clarify

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Hello everyone,

My computer has turned off yesterday in the middle of my work. That happened exactly 21 days after I changed the hard drive with SSD and installed Windows 8 instead on Windows 7.

The problem is I don't remember any of passwords. Nor from my nor for activation of my PC.

UPDATE: The problem was solved. I want to thank James P. for his instant response and his help.

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