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Intel i7-10700 temperature under load - stock cooler


Hello, I recently built a computer with an Intel i7-10700.  I'm using the stock heat sync and fan.  The case has 4 case fans that were installed by the manufacturer.  The case is pretty open, and I think has good air flow.  When installing the CPU and fan, everything went smoothly.  Thermal paste was already applied to heat sync too.  The motherboard is a EVGA Z490.  I think it is running too hot.  At idle right now the temp is about 43C.  I ran a stress test using Prime95.  The temp climbed to 80C within about 5 minutes and stayed there until about 10 minutes.  Then it climbed pretty quickly (in about 2 minutes) to 99C.  I stopped the test then.  The stress test ran for a total of 17 minutes and returned no errors.  I've attached some system information as an image.  Any thoughts about why the temp seemed stable around 80C for 10 minutes (I think this is an ok temperature at 100% load, right?) then went up pretty quickly after that?  Suggestions as to what I might try to do?  I didn't change any BIOS settings or anything so I think the fan should be running at the right RPMs with increasing temperature.  

Thanks in advance!

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1 Solution
Super User

Yes, that's a no-no. If you lift heatsink for any reason, you should replace the TIM.

I use Arctic Silver 5. It was the best available when I bought it - some number of years ago - but there are better ones available now. Here's an article you can peruse: Ultimate Guide to the Best Thermal Paste for 2020.

Hope this helps,


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4 Replies
Super User

Is  i7-10600 the correct model number for your processor?

Are you using Intel XTU?

What are your temps WITHOUT prime95?

So we can have more information about your system, Download, run, and save the results of this utility as a text file:

Then ATTACH the text file using the instructions under the reply window ( Drag and drop here or browse files to attach ).



Thanks for the reply.

Put wrong model in the title line and tried to update it.  i7-10700.  I've attached the system report.  As of typing this message the CPU temperature is 36-38C.  

Now that I'm thinking, I may have put the heat sync on the CPU and then lifted it once to make sure I had it centered.  I'm guessing this may have messed with the pre-applied thermal paste.  If that could be the issue, is there a recommended thermal paste to buy and use?

I think I'd need to clean off the old thermal paste and apply the new stuff.



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Super User

Yes, that's a no-no. If you lift heatsink for any reason, you should replace the TIM.

I use Arctic Silver 5. It was the best available when I bought it - some number of years ago - but there are better ones available now. Here's an article you can peruse: Ultimate Guide to the Best Thermal Paste for 2020.

Hope this helps,



Ok, thank you for the help!  I'm going to get some new thermal paste, and I'm betting that will do it.



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