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July 2024 Update on Instability Reports on Intel Core 13th and 14th Gen Desktop Processors


Based on extensive analysis of Intel Core 13th/14th Gen desktop processors returned to us due to instability issues, we have determined that elevated operating voltage is causing instability issues in some 13th/14th Gen desktop processors. Our analysis of returned processors confirms that the elevated operating voltage is stemming from a microcode algorithm resulting in incorrect voltage requests to the processor.

Intel is delivering a microcode patch which addresses the root cause of exposure to elevated voltages. We are continuing validation to ensure that scenarios of instability reported to Intel regarding its Core 13th/14th Gen desktop processors are addressed. Intel is currently targeting mid-August for patch release to partners following full validation.

Intel is committed to making this right with our customers, and we continue asking any customers currently experiencing instability issues on their Intel Core 13th/14th Gen desktop processors reach out to Intel Customer Support for further assistance.


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38 Replies
New User

Moro no Japão mais sou brasileiro, meu processador e o Intel i9 13900K e tenho esses problemas de instabilidade principalmente em jogos e espero que chegue logo uma solução!!! Vamos esperar até agosto ok, Estou ansioso por essa atualização, pois se o problema não for resolvido vou fazer devolução desse processador, fico no aguardo e obrigado.

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New User

Hi there,


Any way to know if my 13th gen unit is impacted or not by the oxidation via issue?


Any way to check which batches are impacted and how to check the batch my CPU belongs to?


Just so I can exchange before something bad happens while it is under warranty.



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New User

The problem is not voltage! hahaha You don't know what the reason for the problem is !

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oh they do. Its right there written in the marketing for their new chips and socket. 

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New User

Any chance of accepting returns on these broken chips that we've had to live with for MONTHS? I finally gave up and bought a 12th gen chip to replace my broken 14th gen. Now I have 2 chips and frankly don't care if you patch the 14th gen chip. I just have a $250 paperweight.


Do right by the customers. Accept returns outside your normal 30 day window.

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0 Kudos

I truly hope this is true. My 13900K overheats, crashes, and causes constant audio lag that creates pops, stutters and interference with everything from movies, games to youtube. Not what I was expecting when i bought the most expensive chip in the market.

0 Kudos

Thanks for the belated update. 


Surely Intel, you should be aware that customers were turning away from your chips in droves, and a more  timely progress update should have been forthcoming in order to give people a bit more confidence that you were acknowleding there was some kind of  further issue??

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New User

Is it only a microcode update, or it still requires returning the faulty CPU for RMA?

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Well thank god you found the answer, just as the heat was starting to turn up, and your rivals are releasing their new chips. Thank god its not a vague one, that doesn't leave people scratching their heads as to how a microcode error could go unoticed for so long. 

Imagine if you hadn't found it, you would have had to come up with an answer, just to take the heat off. 

Still, i've got my popcorn out ready to watch the fanfare when the people start rolling out the telemetry of the voltages during crashes. I've got mine, but will stand aside to let the corporate customers take point.


At least you managed to shut your OEM's off from developing motherboard AI to compete with XTU (still "optimises" to higher voltages FYI). Plus you even managed to find a way to flog all the remaining chips in refresh. Its win-win

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New User

Is, or could this issue be affecting the intel 12th Gen desktop processor?  My two-year-old computer has crashed more than any I have owned in the past 40 years.  Close to once a month.  It has the 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12700 - 2/10GHz processor.

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only apply to the 13/14. I use 12th 12700k and 12900k and have no issues what so ever. i have 3 other machines for work render and animation. and still fine. BUT on those board, what has NO updates on bios since dec2013 they are ok. i try to apply manual adjustment on my best possible way. Did crash on 1 app but was the psu. afte replacing the psu all good. and they are machines that work around the clock on render. but i did cut at start the pl1 pl2 to 390 and again lower it to intel data push 3 weeks ago.

intel 12th at least is ok. i did apply the bios and running perfect in fact after a lot of measurement data comes the same even with voltmeter since the board support it. let see. i have no issues none.  in fact i oc my cpu using intel specs manually.

Lets wait and see what is the next move. If users experience the issues please report to Intel CS asap.

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New User
Is it safe to assume that the microcode will be available on W series chipsets also?
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New Contributor II

Yes but may depend on the board manufacturer. For example ASUS W680 boards are receiving the same BIOS updates as other Intel 600 and 700 chipset boards on the same schedule. So the PRO WS W680-ACE for example is on BIOS 3701 dated 2024/07/17 and this is the one that contains the latest microcode 0x125. So there should be no issue with this board receiving the August microcode update that will also be delivered as a BIOS update.

Check with your board manufacturer's support website to see what the situation is for your board.




New User

Questions and concerns I have:

1. Any ideas on why we had server providers who ran into faulty CPUs in 2023 get rejected around the time you mentioned the Oxidation manufacturing issue. After 2 years of being handed rejected RMAs, contacting 'customer support again and hoping to not get rejected again is getting quite annoying'.

Is Intel going to honor these RMAs or are we just going to get rejected again contacting support.

Why wasn't the Oxidation manufacturing issue disclosed to customers and investors earlier?

2. Any reason why CPUs would be failing, and in some cases popping or exploding even when brand new out of box configured to intel spec settings.

3. I'm running into the same crash issues with the same callstack as the desktop parts on several laptops including but not limited 13900HX and other laptop processors.

4. Isn't delaying the microcode update to August going to result in a lot more dead CPUs while waiting for this fix. It's not just instability but CPUs actually can die and stop posting.

Any chance we can get a beta BIOS or microcode that can be applied to verify the issue is actually fixed and this isn't stalling the issue out to past the Ryzen CPUs launching?

5. I'm having thousands of crashes in our crash reporting database from the same failures including on laptop.

We are also investigating if Xeons are affected by similar failures.

6. Users have been waiting a fix for this issue since December 2022 and its taken until July 2024 to get a response and ETA on a fix, any reason this process has taken so long to commit to customers getting RMAs and solutions.

7. Why is intel still selling CPUs that they are known to be defective without the microcode update being released to fix it?

8. You mention that a small percentage of users are affected. Every time a company has a issue they always down play it and just mention a small percentage of users. We know from crash data that this issue is affecting a wide number of users. You will have data on failure rates from OEMs and various companies to prove this. Why would you tell customers that its still a small percentage?

9. Can you realise CPU dates and serial numbers for processors affected by the Oxidation issue so users know if they might be affected.

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New User

How do I get my processor replaced?  I recently ordered and installed an i7-14700K processor.  My computer has been having so many issues with applications and games crashing.  A few BSOD here and there.  What do I need to do, please?

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for more info here

NOTE: is not automatic the issues. is not like you see this right away. but all is on the link. TB further before going to intel

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New Contributor II

I'm just a user of Intel 14th gen hardware like you.

You don't say what motherboard you have or what BIOS you have installed. Ensure you have installed the latest chipset and Intel ME drivers. Then install the latest BIOS if you have not already done so. After that you could use the Intel Processor Diagnostic Tool first to check your CPU. It can be downloaded from here . As your CPU was purchased only recently if the Diagnostic Tool shows issues you should contact the retailer for replacement or a refund.

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