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Newly Purchased Ram causing laptop to crash


Hi experts, thank you for your time reading this post.


I brought a laptop about 4 years ago with the following system model. 

Intel® NUC 9 Extreme Laptop Kit - LAPQC71C

It came with 2x8gb ram, 2666mhz, and 19cl.


Recently, I was looking to upgrade it, so I brought Corsair Vengeance 2x16GB ram, 3200mhz,22cl.


After changing the RAM sticks, my laptop crashes (Completely Frozen, only hard reboot possible).

So, i did some troubleshooting by testing both of the 16GB ram stick individually. Both ram stick works fine in X Ram Slot. But both crashes when put in Y Ram Slot. But when I put back my original 2x8gb ram stick both slot works perfectly.


Can anyone assist me in this? Is this a case of RAM compatibility issue or a case of ram slot failure? 

The only thing I could see that maybe causing it it's the combability in memory speed (2666 vs 3200).

but I heard it's not a problem online. But if it's a case with ram slot failure. why does my 8gb ram works fine?






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2 Replies
Super User

I would say incompatible memory.  I am ruinning 2*16GB crucial in LAPQC71C without issue.


Doc (not an Intel employee or contractor)
[Maybe Windows 12 will be better]

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New Contributor II

3200mhz? usually RAM will not run at the speed it says on the box, unless XMP profile is enabled.

If you can access BIOS, i would try default/optimized BIOS settings, disable XMP profile and maybe check the specs on the RAM /motherboard , maybe the BIOS tries to run the RAM at a speed that is too high? 

When BIOS is on default but still the PC will crash with both RAM sticks, i would set the RAM voltage to what Corsair specifications say it should be getting. 

Odd enough, Intel does not say if you can run RAM at different speeds.
And the links for the other specifications are not working.....

I also read that you can run the RAM at specified speed or a speed lower than the specified, not sure if that is true.




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