The device manager is in exclamation yellow mark on this to controllers
PCI Serial Port and PCI Simple Communicatons Controlle and Serial
I have looked in windows update for the chipset Q965/Q963 Express chip family also I have found back version of update for this on Intell however when I try to update Iget a text that I do not have the minimum requeriments for the update for windows 7, 64 bits
I have read the release NOTES and I have notice that the processors listed on it does not match mine either the generation however could you please confirm to me since my processor is a Intel Core 2 Duo 2nd generation.
I found kind of the same inquiry with another community person and @n_scott_pearson provided much like what I am looking .
Any news for me?
PCI Simple Communicatons Controlle and Serial
PCI Serial Port
Intel desktop BOARD
Gracias, I remain attentive to you
Hola, thank you so much for assisting!
I used the prior link for update the PCI serial communication controller and got cleaned the yellow question mark however it showed me now a error 10.
Well regarding your request I looked at the cmd/wmic/baseboard get product
this is the product item# I got.
Please let me know if it is correct.
I am shor on updading the serial port and the error I have on the PCI simple communication on error 10.
Gracias, I remain attentive to you
Reboot the PC and use the F2 key to enter into BIOS Setup. Scroll down in the primary menu and select the Additional Information entry. Scroll down to the bottom of the display. Near or at the bottom of the list will be the Intel Management Engine Firmware Version. What is the number that is displayed there?
If there is no version number displayed or the number displayed is, then the Intel Management Engine is not running properly. This is usually the result of corruption in the firmware. In this case, updating the processor to the latest BIOS, using the jumper-based BIOS Recovery process, may (if you're lucky) get it going again.