Intel® Processors, Tools, and Utilities
14950 Discussions

Random Freezes - Intel Core i5-6600 CPU @ 3.30GHz, 3301 MHz, 4 Cores


Hello everyone,

my computer freezes randomly, from 144p videos to 1080p ones, from flashgames to high end games, even when the computer is idling to long. Have this problem now for months and searched severfal forums but didn't find any solution. Im in desperate need of help.

Sound freezes in some kind of weird loud loop or completely silent.

Computer freezes, cant use mouse/keboard or other hardware.

The freezes require a hard reset.

Sometimes the computer doesn't freeze at all, sometimes a few times within a few hours.

System Information

Operating System: Windows 10 Pro 64-bit (10.0, Build 10586) (10586.th2_release_sec.161024-1825)

Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6600 CPU @ 3.30GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.3GHz

Memory: 16384MB RAM

Display Devices

Card name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970

Display Memory: 12211 MB

Dedicated Memory: 4059 MB

Shared Memory: 8151 MB

All drivers should be up to date.

Can't find any event logs after a crash.

Tried "IntelProcessor Diagnostic Tool 64bit" with the following result:

--- IPDT64 - Revision:

--- IPDT64 - Start Time: 07.02.2017 21:59:10


Intel(R) spbc Module Test

Module Version:

Start Time: Tue Feb 7 21:59:10 2017

Test Result - PASS

..!!..Processor under test is verified as 'PRODUCTION'..!!..

Processor Manufacturer: GenuineIntel

Processor Brand String: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6600 CPU @ 3.30GHz

End Time: Tue Feb 7 21:59:10 2017

Total Time: seconds: 0



Genuine Intel CPU Test

Module Version:

Start Time: Tue Feb 7 21:59:10 2017

Test Result - PASS

Expected: GenuineIntel

Detected: GenuineIntel

End Time: Tue Feb 7 21:59:10 2017

Total Time: seconds: 0



CPU Brand String Test

Module Version:

Start Time: Tue Feb 7 21:59:10 2017

Test Result - PASS

Expected: Intel(R) Core(TM) CPU @

Detected: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6600 CPU @ 3.30GHz

Intel(R) Core(TM) processor detected..!!..

End Time: Tue Feb 7 21:59:10 2017

Total Time: seconds: 0



Floating Point Test

Module Version:

Start Time: Tue Feb 7 21:59:10 2017

AVX is supported in your OS

Max AVX supported = AVX2

FMA3 supported

Test Result - PASS

Million Floating Points per Second, MFLOPS: 286.26

Error: 0

--- Floating Point Test Passed!!!---

End Time: Tue Feb 7 21:59:12 2017

Total Time: seconds: 2



Prime Number Generation Test

Module Version:

Start Time: Tue Feb 7 21:59:12 2017

AVX is supported in your OS

Max AVX supported = AVX2

Test Result - PASS

Operation Per Second: 150385

Error: 0

--- Prime Number Generation Test Passed!!!---

End Time: Tue Feb 7 21:59:14 2017

Total Time: seconds: 2



Cache Test

Module Version:

Start Time: Tue Feb 7 21:59:14 2017

Test Result - PASS

--- Reading Cache Size ---

- Detected L1 Data Cache Size --> 32

- Detected L1 Inst Cache Size --> 32

- Detected L2 Cache Size --> 256

- Detected L3 Cache Size --> 6144

Cache Size Test Passed!!!

End Time: Tue Feb 7 21:59:14 2017

Total Time: seconds: 0




Module Version:

Start Time: Tue Feb 7 21:59:14 2017

Test Result - PASS

--- Determining MMX - SSE capabilities ---

--- CPU...

0 Kudos
7 Replies

Hello Mornin:



Thank you very much for letting us know that information and for providing those files.



The processor has onboard graphics, based on that, do you have the option to test the PC without the video card?



This is just to rule out a possible problem with it.



Did you try a BIOS update on the motherboard to the latest version 3016? Here is the link in case you want to try that:



Did you test it just with one memory stick at the time with all the sticks?



This is just to rule out a possible problem with one of the sticks, even though according to the test it seems to be working fine, it is a pretty good troubleshoot to try.



Do you have the option to use a different hard drive/SSD?



Same thing, when the PC is getting freeze, the problem could also be related to the hard drive/SSD itself.



Are you doing overclocking on the processor?



Any further questions, please let me know.









Thanks for the reply and suggestions!

- The processor has onboard graphics, based on that, do you have the option to test the PC without the video card?

Tried with a different GTX 970, same issues.

- Did you try a BIOS update on the motherboard to the latest version 3016?

Maybe I'll try this, have to read a tutorial or contact some expert on how to update my BIOS.

- Did you test it just with one memory stick at the time with all the sticks?

- This is just to rule out a possible problem with one of the sticks, even though according to the test it seems to be working fine, it is a pretty good troubleshoot to try.

Memory sticks work fine, tried with another identical memory stick - still freezes - and let a memtest run over night without issues.

- Do you have the option to use a different hard drive/SSD?

Tried with my old hard drive - same issues.

- Are you doing overclocking on the processor?

Will check again but I'm pretty sure I don't.

Had two freezes yesterday, none today.

0 Kudos

Hello Mornin:



You are welcome.



Thank you very much for letting us know that information.



You mentioned you test it with a different video card, but do you have the option to test it without any video card, just using the onboard graphics?



The BIOS update to the latest version is always a good option to try, specially if you are using Windows® 10, so if you can please try that will be really helpful.



To get the information about how to do it, please get in contact with ASUS directly:



ASUS's phone number: 1-888-678-3688



ASUS's support site:



Please let me know the results of trying the steps above, and if you can verify if the processor is being overclock that will be very helpful.



Any questions, please let me know.








0 Kudos

Again, thanks

- The BIOS update to the latest version is always a good option to try, specially if you are using Windows® 10, so if you can please try that will be really helpful.

Updated my BIOS. Let's see.

- Please let me know the results of trying the steps above, and if you can verify if the processor is being overclock that will be very helpful.

Processor is not being overclocked.

- You mentioned you test it with a different video card, but do you have the option to test it without any video card, just using the onboard graphics?

Thing is I would have to run the computer a few days with just onboard to see if it freezes. Will look into this if freezes remain.

Only one freeze the last two days.

Edit: If I don't reply or edit this post the next few days I declare this problem as fixed. Hopefully it is..

0 Kudos

Problem still remains.

0 Kudos

Hello Mornin:



We are sorry to hear the problem remains.



At this point, the next thing to do will to swap parts because the problem could be related to the motherboard or processor.



Based on that, do you have the option to use your processor on a different board, or your board with a different processor?



By doing that we can make sure about the source of the problem, which normally is related to the board.



Any questions, please let me know.








0 Kudos

Hello Mornin:



I just wanted to check if you were able to try the steps above and if the problem still persists or if it was resolved?



Any questions, please let me know.








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