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Some advice on upgrading my processor inside my laptop


Hello, all. I have been thinking of upgrading my laptop's processor for a while. I do a lot of heaving video editing (Full-HD editing). And when doing a lot of videos and then compiling them, my laptop can go a little bit slow. Epecially whilst I'm waiting for the video to be compiled, I start surfing the net as I get bored of waiting and then the laptop goes slower.

I have Intel Core 2 Duo T9800 processor (Intel Centrino 2 CPU i

nside). I was thinking of updating it to a Quad core processor, as updating it to a T9900 processor is pretty much pointless.

The thing is, I don't want to buy a new quad-core processor and then find out it doesn't fit or may get too hot or that my motherboard/BIOS does not support it or if my laptop simply can't be upgraded..

I've tried doing my research, and I beleive any of these would work, but I am unsure:,37033,40480,35431,39312,37005,37033,40480,35431,39312,37005

I beleive the Q9000 would fit, but was wondering would the Q9100 would fit, or even the QX9300 would?

Attached is a picture of lots of information of my laptop, if you need more information, I can get more.

My laptop is a Sony VGN-AW21QY/Q. Official site specs are here: Although mylaptop has been upgraded to Winows 7 Ultimate 64-bit.

Any help and/or advice would be greatly appreciated!

Many Thanks


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7 Replies
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Honored Contributor I

Check the specs at CPU world . that will tell if it's a good switch , Have you ever changed a CPU in a laptop it's about 80 screws and 4 Hrs. if you have done it before Not like working on a desktop.

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Honored Contributor I

Looked at the specs on your Sony the Best thing you could do to improve the performance is install a good SSD , thats the bottle neck , when you have a SSD installed , You would think you had a qcore and 8GB ram , They make that much difference and a hole lot easer than changing the CPU , which as long as you are using a standard HD it's not going any faster .

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My latop already has 2 x 64GB SSD's, so I'm alright there. I am thinking of getting 8GB RAM and I know that's definately upgradable and I know which one to upgrade to. It's just the processor, if I can upgrade it to a quad-core and if so, which one can I upgrade it to?

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Honored Contributor I

Like I said you can check the specs at CPU world just google it , and I would check with sony if you can get a parts list on the laptop that will tell you what upgrades you can do , Just cause it will fit the socket doesn't mean it will be supported , So checking sony's part list is the best BET , I just upgraded a laptop from a t5200 to a T7200 , that was as high as I colud cause the MOMBO will not take anything faster . I thought I saw a price on that QX9300 and it was about a grand New.

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Honored Contributor I

The only real difference I see is the quad uses 10 more watts. and may run hotter .

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That's the only difference I saw as well, except they both say 100degrees. I asked Sony twice but got no answer. I have asked once in a Sony shop but the assistant didn't know.

I've tried googling it and there are a few people comparing the t9800 to the q9000 and none of them said it won't work, but then again, none of them said it would either. I guess the only way I will know is by buying one and trying it.

Yeah, I saw QX9300 is a lot of money so thar's probably out of the question, just seeing if it was compatable.

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