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Strange annoying sound out of i7 6700HQ skylake cpu

New Contributor I

Hi, guys. I gave HP laptop powered with intel i7 6700hq cpu. From the first day this laptop gave me strange noisy hard drive sounds, i thought its failing HDD and but HDD works fine till today already a few months, as this sound made me mad i just got SSD and installed in to HDD place and HDD did as external hard drive which to my surprise works with no sounds at all quite as hell. So i started my laptop with SSD and realised weird sound is still here, i even got confused installed SSD no HDD and i hear HDD working inside my computer the sound is most noisy the cpu is on the load. So i have opened laptop , had run video file to give cpu more load as sound then is increased and surprise surprise weird sound like working HDD comes out directly form the cpu place. So i got some research on the net and tones of laptops powered with this cpu has the same problem. Question would be is it normal or i should hp for laptop replacement or is where a solution to fix this.

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11 Replies

Hello lucanas,


I haven't heard so far about that noise present in laptops with the Intel® Core™ i7-6700HQ Processor


Lets get some troubleshooting done to check the health of the CPU.

1. Please check that nothing is interfering with the fan


2. Monitor the temps while performing tests, if they are too high around 95 to 100 or higher, it would be good to seek for warranty with OEM


3. Run the Intel® Processor Diagnostic Tool:


4. You could also check fan profiles at BIOS levels, maybe increase them if temps are triggering the noise


Hope this can be of help


In case you require any further support in the future, feel free to reach us here or any other support platform.




Esteban C
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New Contributor I

Hi Esteban.

First don't be so lazy so far and search the net you will find many people has the same problem with various models powered with the same CPU or s

Skylake line CPU.

My machines has one fan an its is quite as hell no sound of it. Temperature are normal, fan speed are low, i did CPU check with CPU utility all test pass.

I appreciate your help but it made me laugh so hard, My dear Esteban do you think i'm so stupid that i didn't test CPU, didn't check fan, didn't test temperatures before writing here.

Or you didn't read my post or is my English so bad.

So in short again i have installed SSD strange working HDD sound still here, opened laptop cleaned off a little dust i found on fan and heat sink its quiet as hell.

So no other mechanical moving parts in the laptop ( CD drive is taken away while testing sound location). Sound gets stronger with more data flow as watching video video file.

Its not any kind of interfere with speakers they are muted. So i took tube made form paper and started listening carefully form where sound is coming as were are some capacitors around around but

the sound is strongest directly form the place where CPU is soldered in to socket.

some links where people reported of this problems laptop - What are these weird noises coming from my computer, and how do I fix it? - Super User cpu - Brand new laptop making an electrical sizzling noise when opening programs - Super User Coil Whine noise ASUS UX501 VW 2016? - YouTube reducing intel skylake coil whine / buzzing noise (DELL XPS 13 9350, Ubuntu 16.04) | Marco Virgo's Blog

so i have gave you a few links where people are reporting about the same problem you can find many more of them yourself.

I know its strange as my machine the only problem is this sound , excluding sound machine works perfect with no problems at all.

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Hello lucanas,

Thanks for the reference links provided, I did notice that a similar issue is being reflected on different systems with the Intel® Core™ i7-6700HQ Processor.

My questions were asked in order to verify and double check what had been done in terms of troubleshooting, it is good to hear that you did perform some before contacting us, my goal was to confirm what was done and to have a better understanding of the scenario you are facing, and therefore assist you with it.

At this point, I would definitely suggest contacting and reporting this directly to HP*. They are familiar with the hardware configuration on the laptop and all their parts, and can evaluate if there is another explanation for this sound. If it actually turns out to be the processor (which to be honest would be surprising since it doesn't have any moving parts) then HP* can report this issue directly to Intel. Otherwise, they can also evaluate what are your warranty options.

It would be great if you report us back the outcome as a reference to other communities' users.



Esteban C
0 Kudos

Hello lucanas,



I would like to confirm if there has been any outcome, in regard to your concern.



Any detail will be very appreciated.



Best regards,


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New Contributor I

No i didn't get any outcome regarding this strange sound only thinking by tech guys that this strange sound is related or to integrated skylake gpu or to speed stepping while power changes at the cpu load. As people those have this problem on desktop pc's have ability to turn of speed steping in the BIOS and this eliminates the problem, sad but we have no this option in laptop bios or uefi to test it. By the way people who had this problem tried to exchange their devices via warranty and new received devices with skylake cpus's had the same problem. Apart this sound no more problems pc works as it should work only annoying sound.

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Hello lucanas,

The processor failure rate is 2% (average) so it is very strange to see these type of issues on our processors. The sound coming from the processor is also very strange because all calculations are logical and there should not be hardware lose inside, (this has been talked with upper peers and we all are positive this is a hardware issue).

Contacting the computer manufacturer will be the best step at this point for a possible replacement. And I do remember that after replacing the unit the issue was present as well, but it is worth trying



Esteban C
0 Kudos

Hello lucanas,

I am having a similar problem in my Asus laptop with an intel 6700HQ (/thread/110471 here is my post). Is the noise a high-pitched sound like this? In my case, the sound is louder when using High Performance power plan in Windows 10. I expect I can help you!


Hello rafaelmg07,

Please check and proceed with the recommendations provided above for this matter.



Esteban C
0 Kudos
New Contributor I

yes exactly the same sound, in my case it is more loud then I play local video or music files. No matter what power plan I use sound id the same.

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New Contributor I

and many peoples have the same problem, if to read HP forums its common problem with Skylake line cpu's. People started bringing laptops to the resellers and asked them to check other the same line laptops

as many boxes they have opened as many of them had the same problem. Mu pc is still under warranty for a few months so soon I'm going to give them laptop back.

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Hello Peers,



This is a very odd issue that I recommend reporting to the manufacturer of your devices. In order to get further feedback of what to do or to get the unit replaced.





Esteban C
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