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15613 Discussions

Thermal sensor issue i7-7700k?


I have a brand new build; EVERYTHING NEW. i7-7700k is running at stock speeds. I have the RAM set to XMP for DDR4-2666. Motherboard is Asus Maximus IX Hero Z270.

I have found that the i7-7700k reports a momentary (a second or less) temperature spike +25 > 35 degrees Celsius anytime a program is opened, a webpage is opened, a background app runs etc. The temperature blip cascades through the cores in random order; not the same every time. This causes my heatsink fan to constantly cycle up and down. Temperatures otherwise report as steady, normal increases. Peak temperature under Prime95 blend test is 71 degrees Celsius.

Attempted solutions:

I have re-installed my heatsink and thermal paste with no change.

I have tried to manually set my fan speed in the bios. The only setting that avoids this issue is setting the temperature / fan at a constant (and loud) 80-100%. I've tried PWM and DC mode.

I have found a few user reports elsewhere on the web, all reasoning that it's just the way it is. I don't accept that. Opening a folder or browser should not spike temps +30 degrees. Not only is the fan cycling annoying, it puts undue stress on my fan; possibly shortening its lifespan.

What's the answer, if any? RMA?

1 Solution

Hello Everyone,

We appreciate the feedback you have provided, and your patience as we investigated this behavior. The reported behavior of the 7th Generation Intel® Core™ i7-7700K Processor, showing momentary temperature changes from the idle temperature, is normal while completing a task (like opening a browser or an application or a program).

In our internal investigation, we did not observe temperature variation outside of the expected behavior and recommended specifications. For processor specifications, please refer to the Intel® Core™ i7-7700K Processor Product Specifications.

Most motherboard manufacturers offer customizable fan speed control settings that may allow for smoother transition of fan revolutions per minute (rpm). Please consult your motherboard manufacturer's manual or website for instructions on how to change default fan speed control settings.

We do not recommend running outside the processor specifications, such as by exceeding processor frequency or voltage specifications, or removing of the integrated heat spreader (sometimes called "de-lidding"). These actions will void the processor warranty.

Kindest Regards,

Ronald M.

View solution in original post

1,110 Replies

Yeap, definitely too high, your voltage is way higher than what i need for 5.0GHz ( 1.31V )

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What motherboard are you using and what are your settings?

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Hi I'm another one with the spike issue

Processor Model: Intel Core i7 7700K

Motherboard Brand: ASUS

Motherboard Model: ASUS MAXIMUS IX HERO

BIOS Version: 0906

RAM Part Number: Kingston KHX2400C15/16G

OS installed: Win 10 Pro

Video Card: ASUS Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080

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Мой процессор 7700K с 16 мая лежит у продавца. С жалобой на термоинтерфейс и перегрев. IETU уводит его в троттлинг. Основание кулера при этом едва тёплое (скорее даже холодное), а датчики показывают 100 градусов.

По словам продавца процессор давно передали в сервисный центр Intel. Результата нет. Через 12 дней закончится законный срок рассмотрения претензии. Посмотрим что будет. Я весьма недоволен сроками.

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New Contributor I

Тема начинает принимать славянский оттенок).

Я вот свой сдавал на обмен непосредственно в интел.

Они прислали замену, быстро, просто, никаких претензий.

Но ничего не изменилось.

Что старый бесился с температурой, что новый.

Поймать "стабильный" похоже шанс 5%, и никто не будет вам менять такое количество.

Да мой скачет и греется, не перегревается, конечно, но греется заметно.

Но все работает, так что сказать что что-то не работает - не могу.

Вот поэтому интел и не чешется.

У моего еще 2,5г гарантии, так что даже если он загнется, думаю, что заменю без проблем.

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>> мой скачет и греется, не перегревается, конечно, но греется заметно.

IETU уводит его в троттлинг ? Linx0.6.5 ? (по-ощущениям прогревает мощее чем IETU)

Есть ли разница между температурой подошвы кулера и показаниями датчиков ?

Мне, в целом, пофиг на скачки.А вот то что в Witcher 3 процессор прогревается плоть до 90 градусов (при загрузке 30-60%) - меня не радует совершенно. Видеокарта гораздо меньше греется, хотя нагрузка на неё выше.

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New Contributor I

Я не большой любитель тестов.

AIDA64 (из того что у меня есть) в тротлинг не уводит.

Не смотря на мою почти пассивную кривую охлаждения, после получаса теста температура где-то 76 градусов.

Если бы кривая была бы более "стандартная" то скорее всего было бы прохладнее.

Кулер не трогал, но выхлоп очень тёплый и корпус нагревается тоже.

Ведьмак греет примерно до 70.

Мне не нравится, что скорость работы кулеров не постоянна.

Скачки бывают так же и вниз, т.е быстрое остывание из-за чего кулеры сбрасывают обороты.

И получается, просто зашел в дом, нагрузка по-меньше и сразу кулера притихают.

Хотя это и не нужно. Отсюда и температура не совсем комфортная так сказать.

Но если использовать более агрессивную кривую, то будут заметны скачки в простое, а так у меня щас до 55 вентиляторы на минимуме работают.

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I just completed my build a few days ago.

Here is my system configuration

Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700K CPU @ 4.20GHz - cooled by noctua NH-D15 air cooler (noctua nt-h1 thermal paste)

Gigabyte GA-Z270X gaming 7 motherboard

Corsair Obsidian 750D Chassis with RM1000i power supply

Corsair vengence 2x8 GB RAM


Running ubuntu 16.04 for now

Havent done any overclocking or modifications to any of the components

These sharp jumps in core temperatures seem abnormal (looks like one core at a time jumps in temperature within seconds from ~ 30C to 70C).

I am not running anything heavy at the moment. only a few tabs on firefox and an ftp or some such program.

Couldnt find reference to these sort of jumps in temperatures anywhere online.

I am worried about the system and request intel folks to please take a look.

Would appreciate any suggestions.

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New Contributor I

... everyone, who have read that article has started to pray, hoping that this mystical bug is causing all these heat problems.

And after it's fixed, there will be no more problems.

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@Links Do you think it's the possible cause ?

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New Contributor I
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New Contributor III

firepanda wrote:

This information is fake ? Intel's Skylake and Kaby Lake CPUs have nasty microcode bug • The Register

From what I understand this will likely not do anything to reduce the spikes... if anything this will just mean we have less bsod's (which I haven't had issues with) The issue seems to be very rare I mean look how long skylake has been out and they are JUST not catching it. These types of things seem to happen time to time and are normally patched up with out many knowing.

I mean we can hope it fix's the spikes, but I still think that is part of the architecture and also feel intel would have made a comment if they were seeing it reduce spikes in their lab tests.

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I have this issue as well recently bought my i7 7700k within the last 30 days...

Temps are all over the place.

Intel i7-7700k

Asus MAXIMUS VIII HERO Z170 ( Latest bios release)

16gb Corsair DDR4 3200mhz


Win 10 PRO (fully up to date)

Tried both a Hyper 212 Evo cooler and Thermaltake Water2.0 PRO cooler

tried both the stock coolermaster thermal compound and replaced it with Arctic Silver 5

temperature spikes continue with both.

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New Contributor II

I upgraded from sky lake to kaby lake with all the same rig equipment and my temperature also spikes are the same when comparing the same clock speed 4.5GHz. People are just complaining about the higher temperature with clock speed increase.

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I'm joining this convo way late so sorry if you have to repeat a few things. Like you all I also am dealing with the same temp spikes for clicking on your browser for example, I am not going to pile onto that, the issue is well documented. I have questions that are more specific to my issues. I just want to get my heat level as low as possible without sacrificing speed or power that it shipped with, I would be happy with that. My motherboard is the MSI Z270 PC MATE (MS-7A72), most of the settings you guys are changing and editing are either worded differently or just not there for me. my CPU peaks in the low 80's while playing overwatch, but when I alt+tab out to check the temps real fast they are always in the 40-60 range, but still I would like to get that number down as low as possible.

My CPU is liquid cooled (Asetek 550LC) and everything is functioning correctly, with this chip and the voltages it ships with its just hard to hold it under 80c while under load even without an OC. I don't know what ones to adjust exactly, once I do, I understand the process of stress testing, then lowering or raising the numbers for stability sake. I am pretty green when it comes to terms and understanding the BIOS, I do already have MSI command center installed so maybe I can adjust the settings in there, I just need some help getting pointed in the right direction! Thanks!

This is what I see when I mess with the command center, just don't know the first thing to do

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I wrote a post to Intel about these problems but Intel just make fun of us. They tell us to not overclock when problem is at stock settings. Just for your information, i bought tree i7700k, all has these issues.

All has spikes from 40 to 70 degrees just opening a browser. All overheat over 95 degrees under full load.

So i choose to delid one of my three CPUs to see if it will fixed spikes and overheat. This avoid your warranty, but delid fixed spikes issue, also fix overheat issue.

The problem is due to bad TIM and it is due also to space between DIE and IHS caused by the glue. Removing the glue and changing the TIM solves spikes.

Another factor is that motherboards productors overvolts CPU PLL OC at stock setting. They set it high as RAM voltage (from 1.2 to 1.35v). We do not know why. Just go on the BIOS and set CPU PLL OC to datasheet voltage vol.1 p.119, so 1.0v (+-5mv). Your temperatures will be 10 degrees less, but you will see two core lower then your room temp. No explain about this behaviour: refer to the temperature of the package or the highest core.

I have been buying from Intel for ten years, but i will never buy again. Bad CPUs, worst support.

P.S. New (really really low) temps on full load prime95 (delid + CPU PLL OC fix + watercool = no spikes, no overheat)


Thank you for the reply! So your saying start the testing on the CPU PLL OC at 1.0v, stress test, then if needed adjust .05 up or down depending if 1.0 was stable or not?

And I would love to have my CPU delided, it's just something I am not comfortable doing myself. If I could find anyone to do it I would in a heartbeat, anyone with experience really, if you are from Michigan I'd write up a contract so you aren't liable for a damn thing, I just want this done

Edit: Well I changed the CPU PLL OC and not my monitor won't turn on, computer is running but nothing on the screen after reboot from bios

Edit: I read that I have the reset my CMOS and to do that I have to take out the battery on the motherboard, did that and it fixed it. Everything is back to default, all i did was replace where it said AUTO for the CPU PLL OC to 1.0v and it wouldn't boot after that. So should i now set it too 1.05 and see if it boots with that? Or did I do it wrong to begin with?

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I've delided mine and there was a 13c drop in temps (with liquid ultra), but the spikes are still there, just a little less hot. In fact, some people in this thread have also delided theirs and say the same thing, still pikes but lower temp.

May be you did something different, idk. Anyways, it's good to see it went well for you.

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Thanks for your addition and the numbers look great after fixing the issues with the glue and the IHS and TIM material!

I wish Intel would acknowledge this as an issue and offer to repair their defective products! I am honestly surprised the tech industry media is not picking this up as a problem and reporting it to the mainstream... I am guessing this is an issue on less than 10% of this generation of processors but they need to fix this!

come on Intel do the right thing for your customers... we should not need to void our warranties to get a properly functioning chip

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Yes. Maybe changing CPU PLL OC on bios settings solves spikes, Delidding solves overheat. Try it, my spike issue is fixed.

Jamezz23 maybe 1.0v it is too low for you. Just reset BIOS removing battery and turning off PSU for 30s. Then plug in bactery again and start your pc. Then it will start, enter again on BIOS and set CPU Pll OC to 1.080. Mine is stable at 1.050v.

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