Intel® Processors, Tools, and Utilities
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UPGRADE TO 7nm DESKTOP CPU !!! We, the clients, are not back-dated like you are thinking INTEL !!!


Why is INTEL taking his users/clients for fools in such a way?

AMD has already reached 7nm CPUs for Desktop Processors. And why are you INTEL making excuses on and on that your upgrading your 14nm to 14nm+, 14nm++, 14nm+++

We are not interested in your old rubbish now. The up-to-date level has reached the 7nm CPU for desktop.

So, please do not try think that your company and company owners are so wise that you will continue robbing people with your fake upgrades. 

We need a 7nm CPU for Desktop THIS YEAR. Because your rival has already launched it. We are not here to invest in your outdated 14nm CPU, expending our money for nothing.

You keep all your 14nm CPU safe for you and your families. We want the 7nm right now. Because AMD has already put it on the market.

We are not here to upgrade on your old residues now.

We were being fooled, until your rival come to show us how much you were fooling us all these years with your fake upgrades, where all has remained the same. You have just rebranded the model and name, nothing really got improved.

We are the clients and you are producer. 

We have the right to order you in the actual level of competition reached. It is not you to come and try to make us understand that you want to rob us more and more keeping your old version every year.

We are not here to throw our money with your so-called 'fake' upgrade.

If you still want to keep your clientele with respect.

We want to see that 7nm Desktop CPU out on the market.

We are not here to upgrade for the OLD 14nm+++++ anymore.


Your own support agent cannot answer. This is why I am posting this here.


Whosoever finds it reasonable, please vote for it. To make the company understand that we are no more interested in its outdated update that is going on n on.



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1 Reply

Hello DSash,


Thank you for posting on the Intel ® communities.


I appreciate you taking the time to provide us with your feedback, Intel values your input and I have forwarded this information to the appropriate department. 



David V


Intel Customer Support Technician

A Contingent Worker at Intel

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