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16161 Discussions

Why is the 14900k such garbage?


I dont know what I am doing wrong, probably never going to buy an Intel processor again after this experience. I bough a 14900k in October basically the day they came out upgrading from a 9900k and I got a dud. Issues everywhere with blue screens and crashes and no I never overclocked it. Microcenter told me it was the issue with the CPU and I got a replacement of the 14900k a month later. Ever since then I have continued dealing with issues with this CPU that I have never dealt with before on my 9900k.  I also changed the mobo just in case it was an issue with that as well.


This thing is not stable at all. I even undervolted it to 5.5 on the intel side of things and it is just complete garbage. I cant even update my mobo bios with this POS in it. The thing that really sucks is that I upgraded to a water cooled system and I am dreading taking this thing apart to return this garbage. 


Long story short, I am probably just gonna sell my PC and build a new one and buy AMD because I never had any problems running a Ryzen 9 unless someone can tell me what I need to do to make this garbage more stable. I am tired of every game crashing, every 3d cad software crashing, blue screens once every 2-3 hours. 


Seriously intel, did you guys do any compatibility testing when you came out with this garbage CPU? The fact that I got two in a row that are completely unusable is beyond comprehension. 


Rant over, what can I look at to make this better?

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7 Replies
New Contributor I

You are not alone having problems with Intel's 14th gen i9, i have a similar situation, bought it soon after release and the only difference is for me the crashes are a lot more vicious, some software never crash while other crash within 2 hours, stress tests don't crash because the CPU throttles on a good air cooler and also never reaches the advertised 6Ghz one and two core speed since stress tests are an all core load.

However i strongly suggest you seek a refund instead of selling, insist that the entire 14th gen is like that and get a refund on the motherboard and RAM while you're at it since the motherboard is incompatible with not-Intel and i don't know if the RAM will be able to operate at the recommended settings for not-Intel...

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Super User


In defense of the i9-14900K, I purchased one for my son. He built his machine, is a gamer, and has ZERO problems with the processor.

Your statement is very broad and condemning the entire lot, when I believe many of these "problems" are self-inflicted.

We shall see...


Doc (not an Intel employee or contractor)
[Maybe Windows 12 will be better]

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New Contributor I

I've seen people in the forum complain of their 14th gen i5 or i7 machine BSODing or resetting, it was a reference to them.

I don't think we're self inflicting this, The CPU and motherboard were installed correctly, the shop i bought it at replaced the CPU and reseated both it and the cooler, also confirmed the motherboard has no damaged pins.

It's also possible your son just has a use pattern that does not trigger the crashes, or is blaming CTD crashes on the game/app rather than the CPU, or perhaps the CPU just has yet to become unstable, there are too many variables to tell.

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Make sure to install latest updates for drivers your bios is updated and why can’t you update the bios?You need to update to the latest bios. And try disabling XMP.
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Super User

And, make sure you are not running "Norton 360 for games" application that has turned on: game optimizer. 


Doc (not an Intel employee or contractor)
[Maybe Windows 12 will be better]

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Super User

Did you check one of those solutions?




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 Yeah i got a 14900ks because i thought intel was the best, so i wanted the best of the best. CPU cant handle anything lol sigh...... i dont wanna buy fkn non-Intel whats the latest good intel CPU? should i RMA until intel sends a stable 14900ks?


im sad

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