Intel® Processors, Tools, and Utilities
15312 Discussions

XTU Max core freq for I7-4790K


The XTU graph shows a Max Core Frequency-100% utilization at 11.32Ghz. My processor can not go close to that 100% graphing limit.

Is it possible to manually set the 100% for this processor to a finer 5% limit, somehow? This would give me an expanded view of the frequency changes.

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4 Replies

Hello TAS3086, 


Thank you for posting on the Intel® communities.   


In order to better assist you, please provide the following: 


1. Run the Intel® System Support Utility (Intel® SSU) and attach the report generated:  

  • Open the application, check the "Everything" box, and click on "Scan" to see the system and device information. By default, Intel® SSU will take you to the "Summary View".   
  • Click on the menu where it says "Summary" to change to "Detailed View".   
  • To save your scan, click on "Next", then "Save".   
  • Use the option under the reply window to attach the report to the thread (Drag and drop here or browse files to attach). Please note that only one file can be attached at a time. 


2. Is the Max Core Frequency showing 100% utilization in a stress test? Or is it while idle? Please share a screenshot of this.  

3. Please provide a screenshot of the Intel® Extreme Tuning Utility (Intel® XTU), and mark what is the graph that you would like to change. 

4. Are you doing any overclocking to your Intel® Core™ Processor?  




Sebastian M.  

Intel Customer Support Technician. 

0 Kudos
1: Report attached


2: 100% at Stress, idle goes down to 0.81 or so – see graph above of the orange line for idle. Insert #3 shows a 4.59 most recent min and max
3:  1 and 3 in the graph shows current value, recent Minimum and maximum Core Frequency Values.  The 11.32 Ghz line is at the top of the graph arrow 2.  My processor max’s at 4.59GHz as shown in the graph, therefore it can only go a third of the way up the graph. If I could manually change the 11.32 limit line down to say 5.00, the max core frequency line would peak at the peak that my processor can produce.
4: subtle overclocking but limits are set for current, power, temp, etc.
It should be noted that most variables graph at top line relate to the max of my current processor and system configuration:
-  Cpu Utilization graph peak shows 100% .  This is the peak for my processor.
-  Package temperature graph peak shows 100 degrees.  This is the peak for my processor. (really 72.5 TDP)
-  Processor cache Freq peak is 11.32GHz.  My peak is 4.6. Would be nice to manually change this as well to go to the top line.
-  Ref Clock freq peak is 300MHz.  My min is 100 and Max is 101.  Does not seem to change, and is not important to me.
-  Memory Utilization peak is 24266, which is the actual amount of memory in my system, and not the max that could be installed.
-  Active core Count peak is 4, which is the actual number for my processor, and not the max cores that exist now-a-days!
Is it even possible to run my I7-4790K processor at 11.32GHz ? If so, please tell me how !
0 Kudos

Hello TAS3086, 


Thank you for the information provided.  


The "11.32 GHz" label you see is a range within the Intel® XTU support (from 0-11.32 GHz), not a range of your processor which goes only from 4.00-4.40 GHz (check here). None of these options can be changed on the Intel® XTU, and in case you want to change the processor's voltages or frequencies, please be aware that this is considered overclocking. 


Also remember that altering clock frequency or voltage may damage or reduce the useful life of the processor and other system components, and may reduce system stability and performance. Product warranties may not apply if the processor is operated beyond its specifications. Check with the manufacturers of the system and components for additional details. 




Sebastian M.  

Intel Customer Support Technician.  

0 Kudos

Hello TAS3086, 


I hope our previous response was useful to you. 


As mentioned, the graph you see is a range of supported frequencies within the Intel® XTU (from 0-11.32 GHz). None of those XTU options can be changed on the tool, and changes to the CPU directly are considered overclocking (which we do not support). 


I will proceed to close this inquiry, if you need any additional information, please submit a new thread since this one will no longer be monitored.  




Sebastian M  

Intel Customer Support Technician  

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