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XTU bug when setting voltages or editing VF-Curve

New Contributor I

I have encountered 3 very serious issues stopping me from using XTU.

I just got my new i5-12600k and wanted to try overclocking, this is what has happened:



When I change either the "Voltage Override" or the "Voltage Offset" for any of my cores under the Per-Core Tuning section, it will at first seem to accept my value, which might be something like offset: "0,100V" for example. But then, shortly after inputting the value, the input field will go blank, and the handle on the slider will disappear. By hovering over the circular info symbol "i" it will show that the new proposed voltage is something insanely large.

The exact value seems to be proportional to the input value multiplied by 1 thousand. Choosing a negative offset like "-0,005 V" for any of the cores will set the voltage exactly to "-5,000 V" and choosing an offset like "0,100 V" will set the voltage to "100,000 V." (Using comma for decimal indicator same as XTU software does.)

I can't overclock anything like this, I don't know what values of voltage it would really try to run through my cpu.



Furthermore, when using the VF Curve. If I grab one of the control points to try and move it in the graph, it will shoot off in either vertical direction from the tiniest of mouse movement. I might try to drag it a millimeter, but it will shoot up to 998V, or down to 0.002V. Exact numbers seem random, but this bug also seems related to the one mentioned above. (This also ended up freezing and crashing the program.)



And lastly, perhaps unrelated to the first two points, when pressing the "Scan Default VF Curve" button beneath the VF Curve, it will most of the time warn about "invalid voltage points" due to "thermal throttling." The XTU monitoring panel also shows that the cpu is thermal throttling while running the scan. Problem is, I have no clue why it would thermal throttle when the maximum temperature it reaches is 56°C and other XTU benchmarks don't make it throttle or get any notably hotter. I have a good cooling setup using a noctua nh-d15.


Thanks for reading, I hope these issues can be addressed or resolved somehow.


Edit: This was on Windows 11 Home 21H2

TLDR: Voltage input values get multiplied by 1000 for whatever reason (which also causes crashes in the VF-Curve). Unable to use XTU safely.

1 Solution
New Contributor I



Just thought I'd add that this issue has been solved as of the latest version of XTU (




View solution in original post

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32 Replies

Hello Teasi, 

We do apologize for the late response on this matter. we would like to let you know that we will investigate this internally since the hypothesis about the Language/Input as the comma position is evidently different in his system vs. ours. 

We have run a test in our Lab, however, we could not reproduce the issue even after changing location, language, and keyboard layout to Sweden (video for said test: so we will investigate this further.

We may need to wait for a new Intel® Extreme Tuning Utility (Intel® XTU) driver version, but this new version may not have a particular outcome so we cannot promise it.

I will inform you about any updates.

Best regards, 

Deivid A.  

Intel Customer Support Technician 

0 Kudos

Hello Teasi, 

Thanks for your patience on this matter. We have released a new version of the Intel® Extreme Tuning Utility (Intel® XTU), please try this new version and let me know if the issue persists:

Best regards, 

Deivid A.  

Intel Customer Support Technician 

0 Kudos

Hello Teasi,  


I reviewed your post, please let me know if the issue was resolved, if not, do not hesitate, just reply back. 



Deivid A.  

Intel Customer Support Technician  

0 Kudos

Hello Teasi,  


We have not heard back from you, so we will close this inquiry. If you need further assistance or if you have additional questions, please create a new thread and we will gladly assist you.  



Deivid A.  

Intel Customer Support Technician  

0 Kudos
New Contributor I

Hello DeividA,


Apologies for the late reply, I have not been able to test this issue until now.


The newest version of Intel XTU,, still has the same issue. The behaviour is largely unchanged, and the value is still as incorrect as it was before. The only difference is that now after selecting a new value in the drop down menu the window will instantly scroll to the top and then back down rapidly about 3 or 4 times over the following 1.0-1.5seconds before settling down where it started. When settled down the button which displays the set voltage and opens the drop down menu is blank, the same way as it was before, and upon hovering over the information symbol a voltage value that's been multiplied by 1000 is shown.


If you want me to open a new thread to continue this issue I could still do that. I would very much want this issue to be resolved before this processor becomes obsolete.




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New Contributor I

It seems I was a bit hasty in describing the current behaviour.


There is one more significant difference. I would describe the issue as now being worse, but different.


No matter what value of "voltage offset" I select, the program does the scrolling thing as described above, and then sets the value to "-1000,000V" or -1kV. Always negative 1000.  It is seemingly no longer simply multiplied by a factor of 1000, rather it gets directly set to -1000. The number of times the scroll up-down thing happens seems to be related to which slot (which core) of voltage offset I try to edit.


Secondly, when I edit the "voltage override" setting the behaviour is similar to before the update, the input value simply gets multiplied by 1000. So a voltage override of "0,500V" becomes "500,000V". The scrolling thing also happens when doing this. 


If I edit the "voltage override" or "voltage offset" for the e-cores then the scrolling thing happens several more times than for the other cores. I assume this has to do with them being lower down in some sort of list. Editing core ratio multiplier seems to work fine and without issue, I have not tried applying any changes though, I do not feel it is safe to do so.


Video attached.


Kind regards,


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New Contributor I

One more update,


The scrolling behaviour is inconsistent. By fiddling with the values much like I do in the video, I was able to make it so that when repeatedly changing the value of the same voltage offset, it would only do the scroll up-down once. And, when only scrolling up-down once, the value only got multiplied by a factor of 1000 much like before. And so it does not get set to -1000 immediately then, rather something like "0,005V" becomes "5,000V" etc. It seems that each time it scrolls up-down the inputted value gets changed, and if it scrolls twice then the value somehow ends up at -1000V, regardless of original sign.

Additional note: when it scrolls up-down twice, previously set values of other voltage offsets do not change. They remain as they are, be it -1000V or 300V, only the last one edited actually updates and changes.

0 Kudos
New Contributor I

I updated my system's decimal symbol format to use point instead of comma and that change carried over into XTU, however the behaviour with scrolling and multiplying by 1000 was fully unchanged. 

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New Contributor I

Would love to hear back on whether I should still begin a new thread on this topic or if resuming this one is still possible.


Kind regards,


0 Kudos

Hello Teasi, 

Thanks for the confirmation. I will continue with the investigation and share with you any updates that I get.

Thanks for your patience.


Deivid A.  

Intel Customer Support Technician 

0 Kudos

Hello Teasi, 

Thanks for your patience. We have tried to replicate this issue on our side, however, we did not get the same issue or behavior you mentioned.

Since we could not see the issue in our lab and systems I will proceed to close this thread.

Please keep in mind that this thread will no longer be monitored by Intel.  


Deivid A.  

Intel Customer Support Technician  

0 Kudos
New Contributor I



Just thought I'd add that this issue has been solved as of the latest version of XTU (




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