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14613 Discussions

error de 0.78 GHZ bloqueado en procesador intel i7 6700HQ



el problema es que al prender el equipo o desconectar y conectar el cable del cargador, el sistema se queda bugueado en 0.78GHZ, no es problema de temperatura 40°C o modo de eneria, la unica forma de destrabarlo, es desconectar y conectar el cable de cargador puede ser 1 vez o llegar a 10 o 20 veces hasta que el sistema se destraba. 

esto mismo me pasaba con mi equipo anterior un i3 380m

espero me den solucion o saquen un fix, imagino que es un controlador ya sea de chipset o DPTF o algun cmd para que nunca cambie a 0.78GHZ asi este en pila o no el estado maximo del procesador. pense esto se habia areglado, pero desde hace un mes me empezo este problema, me pasaba con win7 x64 y ahora con win10 1903

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5 Replies
Super User

We really can't help you with this. These are all implementation decisions and impacts. You need to be talking to the supplier/manufacturer of your system.


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but the problem is presented in several assemblers, and the only thing is INTEL and chipsets INTEL and DPTF, so the problem comes from intel, and is the one that should give solution to the error, or just that the load controllers are independent of INTEL being this the problem, as a little investigate is a problem of a temperature meter that happens to give false positives and throttling, and I think that driver is internal chipset or CPU so the assemblers do not think they can fix it

google traslate: D


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Super User

As I said, all of the decision-making is based upon settings provided by the platform (within the BIOS' ACPI tables). These decisions are based upon power and loading as much as they are on temperatures. I do not believe that a spurious (as you said, false-positive) temperature reading is responsible.


It sounds to me like you are talking about some pretty ancient equipment. The i3-380m is a 1st generation Core processor (released way back in 2010) and support for it has been dropped. In fact, support for 2nd gen Core processors has similarly been dropped and support for 3rd gen Core processors is on the way out now. This includes with Windows 10, where no device drivers for these older generations is being provided or supported.




P.S. In future, feel free to stick with your native language. We can translate ourselves.


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lo del i3 380m es cuando me salio por primera vez el mismo problema ahora que tengo un i7 6700HQ comprado nuevo, asi que yo hablo ahora de mi i7 que tiene el problema de CPU se queda congelado a 0.78GHZ y no se puede usar el equipo, busque un poco y parece que si es un problema de DPTF, pero INTEL nunca ha hablado de ello o simplemente lo a ignorado, por eso es mi pregunta si hay algun fix oficial o configuracion, que no sea la tipica de modo de energia, que si ese es el fix y no funciona, tienes que ir a preguntar sobre una base que es INTEL preguntar a un ensamblador. pero bueno espero me funcione lo que estoy usando ahora de unos codigos regedit que des-habilitan en DPTF en teoria

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Super User

Sorry, I have nothing else to contribute. As far as how things work, if the manufacturer has an issue with how their platform operates, then *they* are supposed to be approaching Intel, via the special channels provided, with this issue (not the other way around). There are many, many, many designs supporting 6th gen mobile processors that do not demonstrate any symptoms like you have described. Bottom line, talk to your manufacturer.


This is my last response to this issue. I am not going to repeat myself any further.


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