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14752 Discussions

i5 Problems


Hi all,

I'm currently using an i5 650 which is about 5ish months old. It's running at a constant 101 - 105 degrees C. This has only crept up over the last few weeks as it used to run "below" optimum temperature (all info according to Speedfan and confirmed by RealTempGT). I read that the processor is designed to work up to 105 degrees but it cannot be argued that 105 is not too hot for an idle processor (all cores).

However Speedfan does identify one temperature for something else as -128 degrees C so... :S

I'm having some trouble updating whatever drivers I need for this as I'm hugely incompetant when dealing with drivers etc.

I only became aware of the situation after I started getting very low FPS in many games. It's not due to excess programs, poor graphics cards or any common things like these. So my first port of call was naturally to update as many drivers as I can and check temperatures.


  • GPU: 45C
  • Temp1: 36C
  • Temp2: 25C
  • Temp3: 72C
  • Temp: -128C (:S)
  • HD1: 32C
  • Core 0: 82C (After extended period with large 15" external fan pointed into case)
  • Core 1: 81C ("")
  • Core 2: 81C ("")

System Specicifcs:

  • Intel Core i5 CPU @ 3.20GHz
  • 6.00 GB RAM
  • 64 - Bit Windows 7 OS
  • Nvidia GeForce GTX 260
  • OS is on a 32GB Patriot SSD
  • 1TB Hitachi HD

Whole system was custom built and is around 5 - 6 months old. I have no overclocking currently and haven't added any so far. Cooling wise I have the power source fan, the heatsync fan, the GPU fan and two extra medium sized fans. I cannot control the fans through Speedfan as I have a Gigabyte GA-P55-USB3 MB (I believe that is the reason), and I also cannot edit anything to do with the fans or speeds in the BIOS. I upgraded to the latest Nvidia drivers and a recent F8 BIOS update yesterday and have experienced no improvements. In fact I believe my startup time has become slower, especially at the final blue screen stage before loading the actual desktop, which is longer and now also includes a black screen for a second or two.

I realise there's a lot of information here, some of which may be relevant and some of which may not be, but I'm pretty stumped and looking for some help and discussion from some people who I'm sure have solved such problems before.

Many thanks for any ideas anyone can offer,


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22 Replies

Hey, thank you for your feedback, ill try to answer everything:

I'm using the windows desktop gadget to monitor ram and cpu usage.

I've just installed MSI afterburner and found out that my GPU fan speed was set to 0% now that I have set it to 50% my games no longer cause such a high cpu and ram usage according to the windows gadget and that's what was causing the 105 degrees in both cores. With the fan turned on the windows gadget shows that I'm using 33% cpu and 26% ram. Now that the GPU fan has been turned on gaming feels smooth and even though the system is running hot according to core temp(around 95 degrees) I feel no stuttering anymore. Turning on the fan has allowed me to play games without my computer shutting down. Now I have done this I believe that my cpu fan is not possibly running at full capacity so I'll try to fix this with this BIOS.

The system I have built is my first one and I believe that the cpu cooler is not fitted properly so when my new cooling arrives I will make sure it's all connected properly. I have a HAF cooler master 932 and I've only got the two standard fans one at the front and the other at the back. My monitor is connected to the GPU and I have an Asus motherboard.

I've just downloaded speed fan and here are the results when computer is in moderate use: (all in degrees)



GPU - 27


System 36


CPU - 71


Aux - 85


HD0 - 30


Core 0 - 69


Core 1 - 70



Also some fan information:



sys fan 0RPM


CPU Fan 2010 RPM


Aux Fan - 0RPM



Seems like the AUX is running hot with no fan but I have no idea what this is, Can anything be gathered from this?.
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Well, things have improved temperature and CPU usage wise, but we're not done yet.

The "Aux" temp is that of your PCH, Platform Controller Hub, very generically speaking your Northbridge chip, although you have no separate Southbridge, the two have been integrated into one, a PCH. It's temp is rather high but inside it's operational range, although I don't know which one it is; H55, H57, P55, or Q57, but not essential knowledge, but would simply your mother board identification.

Frankly I was stunned to learn your GPU fan was not running, you're lucky the card is not dead. It should have automatic fan control IMO, varied by temperature, and should need no basic intervention from the user. If that can be enabled, do so, all my EVGA video cards have automatic fan speed control, although it can be adjusted. If it's at 95C, you need more fan speed.

Your CPU fan control should be "PWM" or Auto in the BIOS. ASUS mother boards have fan control software supplied with them, check if it's been installed on your PC, or download and install in from ASUS or the disk that came with the board. Run it and get it configured!

The names displayed by Speed Fan for the component temperatures are fairly accurate, although System is likely the mother board and Aux is the PCH. But the names for the fan speeds are most likely those used by the mother board, and are not necessarily related to actual components, except for the CPU of course. Very few PCH (Aux) chips have fans mounted on them from the factory, I doubt if you have one.

Your CM HAF 932 is a good case. Fan speeds can only be measured for fans connected to the mother board by Speed Fan. The two fans in your case are probably directly connected to the power supply, so they won't be detected by Speed Fan.

It's odd that your HAF 932 has only two fans, those sold in the US should have four or maybe three at least. Don't you have a side fan? The usual HAF 932 fans are three 230mm fans and one 140mm fan. Plenty to keep a PC cool, maybe CM cases are different in other countries, are you in the US? Here is a standard HAF 932, check the details.

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