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wanting to install Win 7 on I9-11900k


As the title says, wanting to install Win 7 on I9-11900k. This is on a Asus Z590 E MB as well. Others have done it by slip streaming USB 3.0 drivers into a Win 7 installation ISO but thats not working for me. Tried using a DVD drive , no luck there either. Has Intel made the processor so that it will only work on 10 and newer OS's.

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9 Replies
Super User

Plain and simple, W7 is not supported on anything 7th gen and later.  Microsoft's rule, not Intel's.


Doc (not an Intel employee or contractor)
[Windows 11 is the new Vista]

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you will find that there is people who are using W7 with I9 CPU's and Z590 MB's. They're still able to get updates by suppressing Microsofts CPUs checking software. 


Tried putting up a YouTube link but get a red box warning. Maybe I don't have permission to do so, shows a YouTuber with an I9 and W7.

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Super User

Windows 7 is discontinued and not supported.

7th gen and later processors do not support Windows 7.

That some users still use Windows 7 is no justification.  And, no discussion about how you have programs that require Windows 7.

Stop fooling around with trying to make something work that has no purpose,  and step into the current world.  You have a nice CPU.  Install W10 or W11, and be happy.


Doc (not an Intel employee or contractor)
[Windows 11 is the new Vista]


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New User

windows 11 is essentially just a phone not even android feels like just a ripped of version of the iphone its garbage u think people want another phone we want a pc to get rid of using our phones so they turn it into a app based phone garbage navigating 11 virtually take 3 more steps to navigate to the same things on windows 7 they may not even be there now u got to search for something that takes 20 menus to navigate to trash i rather just be  done but i use it for work and there is not one employee that enjoys 11 they can keep trying the numbers say windows 7 is still king

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"Windows 7 is discontinued and not supported." True but you still can get updates. I'm getting notification all the time for my older laptop. And upto 2 months ago I was getting them on my Desktop (I7 7700K). I had updated and began to get MS's spiel about W7 not being supported or supporting the CPU. I could still get updates using wufuc, til I updated CPU/MB.  

wufuc disables the "Unsupported Hardware" message in Windows Update allowing you to continue installing updates on Windows 7 and 8.1.

"Stop fooling around with trying to make something work that has no purpose"  You're telling me that W10 or W11 has purpose?? Yes it has purpose, to make MS money by putting useless crap, apps, bloatware, telemetry/spyware......stuff you can't uninstall, updates all the time and even more useless programs with the updates. Why do you think there's people out there that de-bloat 10.  It would appear that MS has you brainwashed....:-(( 

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Super User

The upgrade from W7 to W10 is free.  And, you can still run a W7 VM on W10, again free. 

You do what you want, but you are unsupported - at Microsoft and here. And, if W7 was supported on your ASUS board, ASUS would have the drivers for you.  As far as making money, I hear that silly argument all the time.  If you were really concerned about a company making money, why be on Windows at all?  Use Linux instead.  And, why give Intel money when you could stay on your old platform and processor?  No, the money argument does not stand up. 


You do what you want, and remain unsupported, fighting a battle that you will not win.  Continuing to do so also puts you at a security risk.  As it is right now, you are being left behind.  Soon, you will be amongst those who refused to leave XP.  And, in a couple of years, you will be amongst those who refused to leave W10.  Technology marches on, and some are left behind.  How many times in the past 10 tears have you replaced your cell phone?  Still have 2G?  3G?  With 2G and 3G turned off, you had to upgrade.  Who is making money?  With electric cars appearing more and more every day, do you love the oil companies so much that you intend to stay on petrol?  Do you still have floppy disks?   If you want a reasonable discussion about upgrading and the benefits thereof, drop the money argument.  All companies make money, and new/better products is what makes the world go round - except for a stuborn few what want to wage their own private war regarding "money".


Also, name calling is not allowed on this forum.  


Doc (not an Intel employee or contractor)
[Windows 11 is the new Vista]



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New User

why is that 45 % left behind and 14% just thought they had to switch say what you want they wont make a product nobody wants im happy to be left behind i have to work on an outside life so im glad they did this more outside for me they wont be sad with out me and i wont be sad with out them and u know 11 is garbage and if everyone agrees and ur the one left out statistics say your wrong  numbers checked a couple months ago i know they didnt change that much

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New User

look at all thos corps down at the bottem i be purchasing amd next time if i do thier chips blows intels cache right out of the water and i thought intel was beast they just waste all my xtra cores i needed those

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New User

oh theres your punctuation period . 

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