Programmable Devices
CPLDs, FPGAs, SoC FPGAs, Configuration, and Transceivers
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About VCCIO, VCCPGM, VCCPD for Configuration , genernal I/O pins at same bank

Honored Contributor II

I am going to use Cyclone V, 5CGXBC5C6F23 for my project. 


I am going to use the pins of Bank 3A for 1.8V I/O signals. 


I am going to use ASx4 configuration mode for configuration. 


In the Bank 3A, there are configuration pins such as DATA0 ~ DATA3, DCLK, nCS. 

Also in bank 3A, there are JTAG pins such as TMS, TDI, TDO, TCK. 


So I am going to use 1.8V for VCCIO, 3.3V for VCCPGM, 2.5V for VCCPD. 


In Assignment ---> Device ---> Device and Pin Options , 


There is option of "Force VCCIO to be compatible with configuration I/O voltage" 


When I check on this option, I got error message at FPGA implementation about "mismatching of the voltage level of VCCIO and VCCPGM". 

When I check off this option, I got no error message at FPGA implementation. 


Can I use 1.8V for VCCIO at the bank 3A ?
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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II



If I remember it correctly, the VCCPGM need to be same as VCCIO used for the particular bank.
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Honored Contributor II

That sounds exactly right to me. If you're trying to 'Force VCCIO to be compatible with configuration I/O voltage' then yes, the voltage on VCCIO will need to match that of VCCPGM. However, without that requirement, it won't. 


Refer to page 18 of the cyclone® v device family pin connection guidelines ( This specifies the requirements for VCCPGM & VCCPD pretty clearly. In respect of the VCCPGM pins it states: 

--- Quote Start ---  

When these pins have the same voltage requirements as VCCIO and VCCPD, they may be tied to the same regulator. 

--- Quote End ---  

However, if they have different requirements, they need not. 


So, yes. You should be able to power bank 3A from 1.8V. 





PS. Just to add - and confirm - I can put a project together with VCCPGM @ 3.3V & VCCIO 1.8V. VCCPD3A must be 2.5V. It's perfectly valid.
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