Programmable Devices
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Active serial programming not working Cyclone II starter development board

Honored Contributor II

I am using Quartus II free web edition, 12.1 Build 177, not whatever was on CD that came in the starter kit, EP2C20F484C7N, (I used this version okay with CPLD EPM1270. 



The board has a EPCS4 on it, but for some reason when I read the .pof file I generated, a EPCS16 shows up in device window, I try to manually select EPCS4, but it won't let me keep it when I select my .pof. How in the world is my .pof driving the device selection? the auto detec screen never is available.  

I clearly selected the EP2C20F484C7N as my device when compiling 


the error message " code1.pof selected for replacement contains device EPCS16, which is incompatable with target RPSC4" 




pretty lost here.
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4 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Apparently you selected EPCS16 in device configuration options. You can still generate an EPCS4 programming file with the programming file conversion tool.

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Honored Contributor II

I respectfully disagree : see cut past from screen- I don't understand how the tools is suppossed to understand I am ultimately programming a cyclone II chip, but I am writing the program to EPCS4. Can you point to directions for file conversion you mentioned. 






Flow Status Successful - Tue Sep 17 10:51:52 2013Quartus II 32-bit Version 12.1 Build 177 11/07/2012 SJ Web Edition 

Revision Name code1 

Top-level Entity Name code1 

Family Cyclone II 

Device EP2C20F484C7 

Timing Models Final 

Total logic elements 245 / 18,752 ( 1 % ) 

Total combinational functions 170 / 18,752 ( < 1 % ) 

Dedicated logic registers 147 / 18,752 ( < 1 % ) 

Total registers 147 

Total pins 16 / 315 ( 5 % ) 




Total virtual pins 0 

Total memory bits 0 / 239,616 ( 0 % ) 

Embedded Multiplier 9-bit elements 0 / 52 ( 0 % ) 

Total PLLs 0 / 4 ( 0 % )
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Honored Contributor II

never mind, I just found the "configuration" menu under the "device and pin options" menu, which is what the poster told me, but I didn't realize what he was saying, never been to that screen before.  

thanks for help
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Honored Contributor II

For Altera DE0 board, when I flash the .pof file using the programmer, I get the below error: 

"Error (209025): Can't recognize silicon ID for device 1" 

Can anyone tell me what could be the cause for this?
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